Page 252 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 5-6: Znanje, motivacija in pogoji učenja v luči mednarodnih primerjav TIMSS in PISA, ur. Barbara Japelj Pavešić in Klaudija Šterman Ivančič
P. 252
šolsko polje, letnik xxviii, številka 5–6
akumulirano znanje. Pridobivanje in razumevanje akademske discipline
vključujeta učenje njegove vsebine, konceptualnih okvirjev in poti mišl-
jenja. Zato je pomembno zavedati se, katera od ideologij je trenutno v os-
predju. V kurikularnih politikah preteklosti (in prihodnosti) se namreč
zrcalijo širše družbene (socialne, politične, edukacijske) perspektive, ki
imajo na to, kaj je šola, kaj bodo šolajoči najverjetneje v prihodnje znali,
zelo velik vpliv. Zdi se, da trenutno ne prednjači akademska ideologija, za
katero je značilno, da znanje črpa svojo avtoriteto iz akademskih disciplin,
da je resnica znanja dokazana z ugotovitvijo, v kolikšni meri odraža bistvo
akademske discipline, da znanje daje možnosti razumeti ipd.
Ključne besede: znanje, akademsko znanje, TIMSS
Academic knowledge and TIMSS: does Slovenian school
politics see far enough?
The article deals with academic knowledge, which is at the focus of
Trends in International Mathematics and Science study (IEA TIMSS)
where Slovenia participated until its 2015 cycle. It is important to elab-
orate on academic knowledge, on TIMSS and the connection between
them as well. Lately the Slovenian school politics seem to abandon the
focus of research on the independent measurement of academic knowl-
edge in elementary school, especially in the areas of STEM education
(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). That theoretical
knowledge, which is largely organized as academic disciplinary knowl-
edge, is important, it also derives from the theoretical positions of social
realism. The latter argues that it is necessary to put academic or theoreti-
cal knowledge into the center of the curriculum. In this article I also try to
show that academic knowledge is not necessarily just theoretical knowl-
edge. Similarly, the TIMSS does assess both, declarative and procedur-
al knowledge, that is, it asses academic knowledge. The academic knowl-
edge could be quickly replaced with an academia (today) in an everyday
discourse, which is a university level of education, therefore would cover
somehow limited understanding of the academic knowledge. I developed
also via the paradigm of the Scholar Academic Ideology. The focus of the
latter is on its knowledge component. This ideology focuses on the belief
that important knowledge accumulated during the history is now organ-
ized within the academic disciplines at universities. The aim of education
is to help children learn this accumulated knowledge. Obtaining and un-
derstanding academic discipline involves the learning of its contents, con-
ceptual frameworks and the way of thinking. It is therefore important
to be aware of which of the curricular ideologies is currently at the fore-
front. In the curricular policies of the past (and the future), some broader
akumulirano znanje. Pridobivanje in razumevanje akademske discipline
vključujeta učenje njegove vsebine, konceptualnih okvirjev in poti mišl-
jenja. Zato je pomembno zavedati se, katera od ideologij je trenutno v os-
predju. V kurikularnih politikah preteklosti (in prihodnosti) se namreč
zrcalijo širše družbene (socialne, politične, edukacijske) perspektive, ki
imajo na to, kaj je šola, kaj bodo šolajoči najverjetneje v prihodnje znali,
zelo velik vpliv. Zdi se, da trenutno ne prednjači akademska ideologija, za
katero je značilno, da znanje črpa svojo avtoriteto iz akademskih disciplin,
da je resnica znanja dokazana z ugotovitvijo, v kolikšni meri odraža bistvo
akademske discipline, da znanje daje možnosti razumeti ipd.
Ključne besede: znanje, akademsko znanje, TIMSS
Academic knowledge and TIMSS: does Slovenian school
politics see far enough?
The article deals with academic knowledge, which is at the focus of
Trends in International Mathematics and Science study (IEA TIMSS)
where Slovenia participated until its 2015 cycle. It is important to elab-
orate on academic knowledge, on TIMSS and the connection between
them as well. Lately the Slovenian school politics seem to abandon the
focus of research on the independent measurement of academic knowl-
edge in elementary school, especially in the areas of STEM education
(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). That theoretical
knowledge, which is largely organized as academic disciplinary knowl-
edge, is important, it also derives from the theoretical positions of social
realism. The latter argues that it is necessary to put academic or theoreti-
cal knowledge into the center of the curriculum. In this article I also try to
show that academic knowledge is not necessarily just theoretical knowl-
edge. Similarly, the TIMSS does assess both, declarative and procedur-
al knowledge, that is, it asses academic knowledge. The academic knowl-
edge could be quickly replaced with an academia (today) in an everyday
discourse, which is a university level of education, therefore would cover
somehow limited understanding of the academic knowledge. I developed
also via the paradigm of the Scholar Academic Ideology. The focus of the
latter is on its knowledge component. This ideology focuses on the belief
that important knowledge accumulated during the history is now organ-
ized within the academic disciplines at universities. The aim of education
is to help children learn this accumulated knowledge. Obtaining and un-
derstanding academic discipline involves the learning of its contents, con-
ceptual frameworks and the way of thinking. It is therefore important
to be aware of which of the curricular ideologies is currently at the fore-
front. In the curricular policies of the past (and the future), some broader