Page 224 - Šolsko polje, XXVII, 2016, no. 5-6: Pravičnost, neoliberalizem in izobraževanje, ur. Urška Štremfel
P. 224
šolsko polje, letnik xxvii, številka 5–6

gojene razslojenosti hkratne učinke na več, če ne vsa področja poučevanja
in da so torej bolj povezani z dejavniki v geografskem okolju kot z dejavni­
ki, vezanimi na vsebinsko področje. Analiza podatkov iz naslednjega cikla
raziskave PISA 2015 bo lahko pokazala, če so te tendence v posameznih re­
gijah in na ravni Slovenije še naprej stabilne.
Rezultati predstavljajo pomemben uvid v pomen poglobljenih interpreta­
cij mednarodnih raziskav znanja za razumevanje pravičnosti izobraževal­
nega sistema, tako v smislu vpliva socialno-ekonomskega statusa na dosež­
ke učencev kot razlik med posameznimi regijami.
Ključne besede: PISA, bralna pismenost, matematična pismenost, naravo­
slovna pismenost, socialno-ekonomski gradient, statistične regije

Trends in socio-economic and cultural gradient from PISA
survey in years 2009 and 2012 in Slovenian regions

Using data from the latest PISA 2012 study, regional differences in mathe­
matical literacy of 15-year-old students in Slovenia are investigated. The re­
lationship of these differences to the socio-economic and cultural back­
ground is also explored. It was found that the highest average levels of
mathematical literacy are achieved by students in the Osrednjeslovenska
region and that this achievement is significantly higher than the average
achievements in all regions of eastern Slovenia, with the exception of the
region Jugovzhodna Slovenija. The average achievement in this region is,
as in most other regions of western Slovenia, not significantly different
from the achievement in the Osrednjeslovenska region. There is another
region, the Obalno-kraška region, in which achievements are significan­
tly lower than the achievements in Osrednjeslovenska region. However, it
is important to note that the differences in achievements are much higher
within the regions than between the regions.
After taking into account the socio-economic and cultural background
of students the differences between the other regions and the Osrednje­
slovenska region become smaller, but for some regions they remain signi­
ficant. This applies to the Savinjska region, Zasavska region, Podravska
region and the Obalno-kraška region. On the positive side, it should be
pointed out that in the Pomurska region, for which the PISA 2012 data
shows the lowest average value of the index of socio-economic and cultu­
ral status, the expected average achievement after taking this status into
account is much higher than initial achievement and that the difference
between the Pomurska region and the Osrednjeslovenska region is no lon­
ger among the highest differences.
Socio-economic and cultural inequality in student achievements is most
evident in the Osrednjeslovenska region, the Gorenjska region, the Ju­

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