Page 226 - Šolsko polje, XXVII, 2016, no. 5-6: Pravičnost, neoliberalizem in izobraževanje, ur. Urška Štremfel
P. 226
šolsko polje, letnik xxvii, številka 5–6

skupine dijakinj in dijakov, pri katerih sta matematična in testna anksioz­
nost bolj v ospredju. Ugotovili smo pomembno višje ravni matematične
anksioznosti pri dijakinjah in dijakih z nižjim socialno-ekonomskim sta­
tusom (v letu 2012) ter višje ravni matematične in testne anksioznosti pri
dijakinjah v primerjavi z dijaki (v 2012 in 2015). Podatki so skladni z raz­
iskovalno literaturo ter poudarjajo pomen spodbujanja celostn­ ega razvo­
ja učencev/učenk in dijakov/dijakinj z namenom zagot­ avljanja pravičnega
in učinkovitega izobraževalnega sistema. Z zmanjševanjem anksioznosti
lahko omogočimo dijakinjam in dijakom, ki se soočajo z višjimi ravnmi
anksioznosti (matematične in testne), enake možnosti v procesu izobraže­
vanja ter doseganje višjih ravni učne učinkovitosti.
Ključne besede: socialne in čustvene spretnosti, anksioznost, PISA, pravič­
nost, učinkovitost

Developing of social and emotional competences to achieve
equity and effectiveness of educational system:
the relationship between anxiety and student achievement

The paper stresses the importance of promoting overall development of all
students (equity) to promote educational success (efficacy). When schools
support and foster overall development (social and emotional deve­
lopment included) this, on one hand, leads to decreases in student anxiety
and, on the other hand, to increases in learning outcomes (e.g. academic
achievement) (Durlak, 2011). Anxiety interrupts the process of learning
and is related to lower academic achievement (Mazzone et al., 2007), the­
refore it is crucial for school to provide support ( the form of social
and emotional learning) for highly anxious students to give them equal
opportunities for educational success and higher academic achievement.
In the paper we have used PISA data in order to analyse the relationship
between academic achievement and anxiety in more detail. We tested the
predictive power of different types of anxiety present in the school set­
ting, test anxiety and math anxiety, for reading, mathematics and scien­
ce literacy (as measured in PISA study). We used PISA 2012 data base (N
= 8405) and PISA 2015 data base (N= 6372). The analyses showed that
math anxiety is a significant predictor of reading, math and science lite­
racy in PISA 2012 (with parental education included in the model). Simi­
larly test anxiety is a significant predictor of math and science (and not re­
ading) literacy in PISA 2015. Higher levels of math and test anxiety are
related to lower level of math, science and reading literacy. In the context
of assuring equal opportunities for all students we were further interested
in the relationship between anxiety and social-economic status and bet­
ween anxiety and gender. The aim was to identify the groups of students

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