Page 220 - Šolsko polje, XXVII, 2016, no. 5-6: Pravičnost, neoliberalizem in izobraževanje, ur. Urška Štremfel
P. 220
šolsko polje, letnik xxvii, številka 5–6
of the structural changes of the western world with the changes in the sy
stem of education, which take place because of interdependence and al
low us to understand the formation of the elements of the modern school,
which is becoming – concisely put – the main dispositive of meritocracy.
The above said is demonstrated and hopefully proven with the thematisa
tion of phenomena ranging from public education to mass and universal
schooling. In conclusion we discuss the questions of inner tensions in the
instrumentalised meritocracy and the limits of meritocracy as type of ra
Key words: meritocracy, education, (in)equality, capital, meritometr
Slavko Gaber, Živa Kos in Veronika Tašner
Premene v družbi, spremembe v šoli
Avtorici in avtor v pričujočem prispevku poskušamo koncipirati zamike
racionalnosti sodobnih družb in na tem ozadju premisliti mogočo in po
trebno zamikanje vloge vrtcev in šol. V premislekih posebno pozornost
namenjamo možnosti, da bi šole ob dosedanji vlogi prenašalk vednosti,
znanj, spretnosti in vrednot, ob tem, ko se bo v prihodnosti del vzgojnih
in izobraževalnih nalog lahko ponovno opravil tudi v družinah, ki bodo
manj časa namenile mezdnemu delu, del svojih moči in potencialov name
nile vzpostavljanju sebe kot stičišč/središč skupnosti. Ob krajšem pregle
du klasifikacije mogočih pristopov h koncipiranju vrtcev in šol kot stičišč
skupnosti v zaključnem delu začetno razvijemo predlog mogočega modela
vrtcev in šol v Sloveniji. Če bi se vrtci in šole vzpostavili kot središča skup
nosti, bi, po našem mnenju, predstavljali pomembno sidrišče praks, nači
nov življenja, racionalnosti, ki bi segli onstran danes prevladujoče neolibe
ralne logike obče komodifikacije naših življenj.
Ključne besede: vzgoja in izobraževanje, racionalnosti, stičišča skupnosti,
hibridne ekonomije
Transformations in society, changes in school
In our present article, we try to conceptualise shifting rationalities of con
temporary societies and, on the above-mentioned background, consider
the needed and possible shits in the role of education institutions. Speci
al attention is dedicated to the potential of schools to accentuate its role
as community centres in addition to the nowadays still prevalent role as
points of knowledge, skills and value disseminators. While briefly pre
senting the classification of the possible approaches to the structuring of
community centres, we present the first draft idea of the possible model of
kindergartens and schools as community centres in Slovenia. In the case
of the structural changes of the western world with the changes in the sy
stem of education, which take place because of interdependence and al
low us to understand the formation of the elements of the modern school,
which is becoming – concisely put – the main dispositive of meritocracy.
The above said is demonstrated and hopefully proven with the thematisa
tion of phenomena ranging from public education to mass and universal
schooling. In conclusion we discuss the questions of inner tensions in the
instrumentalised meritocracy and the limits of meritocracy as type of ra
Key words: meritocracy, education, (in)equality, capital, meritometr
Slavko Gaber, Živa Kos in Veronika Tašner
Premene v družbi, spremembe v šoli
Avtorici in avtor v pričujočem prispevku poskušamo koncipirati zamike
racionalnosti sodobnih družb in na tem ozadju premisliti mogočo in po
trebno zamikanje vloge vrtcev in šol. V premislekih posebno pozornost
namenjamo možnosti, da bi šole ob dosedanji vlogi prenašalk vednosti,
znanj, spretnosti in vrednot, ob tem, ko se bo v prihodnosti del vzgojnih
in izobraževalnih nalog lahko ponovno opravil tudi v družinah, ki bodo
manj časa namenile mezdnemu delu, del svojih moči in potencialov name
nile vzpostavljanju sebe kot stičišč/središč skupnosti. Ob krajšem pregle
du klasifikacije mogočih pristopov h koncipiranju vrtcev in šol kot stičišč
skupnosti v zaključnem delu začetno razvijemo predlog mogočega modela
vrtcev in šol v Sloveniji. Če bi se vrtci in šole vzpostavili kot središča skup
nosti, bi, po našem mnenju, predstavljali pomembno sidrišče praks, nači
nov življenja, racionalnosti, ki bi segli onstran danes prevladujoče neolibe
ralne logike obče komodifikacije naših življenj.
Ključne besede: vzgoja in izobraževanje, racionalnosti, stičišča skupnosti,
hibridne ekonomije
Transformations in society, changes in school
In our present article, we try to conceptualise shifting rationalities of con
temporary societies and, on the above-mentioned background, consider
the needed and possible shits in the role of education institutions. Speci
al attention is dedicated to the potential of schools to accentuate its role
as community centres in addition to the nowadays still prevalent role as
points of knowledge, skills and value disseminators. While briefly pre
senting the classification of the possible approaches to the structuring of
community centres, we present the first draft idea of the possible model of
kindergartens and schools as community centres in Slovenia. In the case