Page 196 - Šolsko polje, XXX, 2019, št. 3-4: Nasilje, šola, družba II, ur. Mitja Sardoč in Barbara Japelj Pavešić
P. 196
šolsko polje, letnik xxx, številka 3–4
učence, ki je vseboval Rosenbergovo lestvico samospoštovanja ter Indeks
empatičnosti za otroke in mladostnike. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 264
učencev rednih osnovnih šol, starih od 10 do 15 let, od tega 62 vrstniških
mediatorjev. Učenci se v največji meri odločijo postati vrstniški media-
torji, da bi pomagali drugim. Koordinatorke menijo, da je pomemb-
no, da ima prihodnji mediator komunikacijske in socialne sposobnosti,
da je empatičen in odgovoren. Izkazalo se je, da je stopnja empatičnosti
višja pri vrstniških mediatorjih v primerjavi z ostalimi učenci. V
samospoštovanju med vrstniškimi mediatorji in ostalimi učenci ni bilo
razlik. Koordinatorke poročajo, da je uvedba vrstniške mediacije vplivala
na izboljšanje šolske klime.
Ključne besede: vrstniška mediacija, medvrstniško nasilje, reševanje kon-
fliktov, šolska klima.
Peers and peer groups are an important factor of the social and emotion-
al development of children and youth. Also, schools are dealing with peer
violence. Peer mediation acts preventively, since it allows conflicts to not
develop to their full extent and not turn into violence (Prgič, 2010; Košir,
2013). Peer mediation makes it possible for students to learn a constructive
way of conflict resolution. We were interested in what the students’ peer
mediator needs, and whether peer mediators differ in empathy and self-
esteem from other students. The purpose of the research was to examine
the effects of peer mediation. For the purpose of the research, I conduct-
ed an interview with peer mediation coordinators and applied a question-
naire for pupils, which contained the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and
the Index of Empathy for Children and Adolescents. 264 pupils from reg-
ular primary schools aged 10 to 15, 62 of which were peer mediators, have
participated. Pupils are mostly determined to become peer mediators in
order to help others. It is important for the future mediator to have com-
municative and social skills and to be emphatic and responsible. The re-
sults show that the level of empathy is higher among peer mediators in
comparison to other pupils. However, when measuring the general self-
esteem, there was no difference between peer mediators and other pupils.
Coordinators report that the introduction of peer mediation has influ-
enced the improvement of the school climate.
Keywords: peer mediation, reduction of peer violence, conflict resolution,
school atmosphere.
učence, ki je vseboval Rosenbergovo lestvico samospoštovanja ter Indeks
empatičnosti za otroke in mladostnike. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 264
učencev rednih osnovnih šol, starih od 10 do 15 let, od tega 62 vrstniških
mediatorjev. Učenci se v največji meri odločijo postati vrstniški media-
torji, da bi pomagali drugim. Koordinatorke menijo, da je pomemb-
no, da ima prihodnji mediator komunikacijske in socialne sposobnosti,
da je empatičen in odgovoren. Izkazalo se je, da je stopnja empatičnosti
višja pri vrstniških mediatorjih v primerjavi z ostalimi učenci. V
samospoštovanju med vrstniškimi mediatorji in ostalimi učenci ni bilo
razlik. Koordinatorke poročajo, da je uvedba vrstniške mediacije vplivala
na izboljšanje šolske klime.
Ključne besede: vrstniška mediacija, medvrstniško nasilje, reševanje kon-
fliktov, šolska klima.
Peers and peer groups are an important factor of the social and emotion-
al development of children and youth. Also, schools are dealing with peer
violence. Peer mediation acts preventively, since it allows conflicts to not
develop to their full extent and not turn into violence (Prgič, 2010; Košir,
2013). Peer mediation makes it possible for students to learn a constructive
way of conflict resolution. We were interested in what the students’ peer
mediator needs, and whether peer mediators differ in empathy and self-
esteem from other students. The purpose of the research was to examine
the effects of peer mediation. For the purpose of the research, I conduct-
ed an interview with peer mediation coordinators and applied a question-
naire for pupils, which contained the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and
the Index of Empathy for Children and Adolescents. 264 pupils from reg-
ular primary schools aged 10 to 15, 62 of which were peer mediators, have
participated. Pupils are mostly determined to become peer mediators in
order to help others. It is important for the future mediator to have com-
municative and social skills and to be emphatic and responsible. The re-
sults show that the level of empathy is higher among peer mediators in
comparison to other pupils. However, when measuring the general self-
esteem, there was no difference between peer mediators and other pupils.
Coordinators report that the introduction of peer mediation has influ-
enced the improvement of the school climate.
Keywords: peer mediation, reduction of peer violence, conflict resolution,
school atmosphere.