Page 234 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, št. 3-4: K paradigmam raziskovanja vzgoje in izobraževanja, ur. Valerija Vendramin
P. 234
šolsko polje, letnik xxix, številka 3–4

Karmen Osterc Kokotovič
Mag. Karmen Osterc Kokotovič je zaposlena na Nacionalnem inštitutu za
javno zdravje. Ima delovne izkušnje na področju poučevanja in svetoval­
nega dela v osnovni in srednji šoli, največ delovnih izkušenj pa ima na po­
dročju preventivnega dela predvsem z mladimi uživalci psihoaktivnih
snovi in njihovimi starši. Raziskovalno se je usmerila v proučevanje pre­
ventivnih dejavnikov v družini za neposeganje mladih po psihoaktivnih
Mag. Karmen Osterc Kokotovič works at the National Institute of Public
Health. She has work experience in the field of teaching and counseling
in primary and secondary school, however most experience, she has in
the field of preventive work, particularly with young users of psychoac­
tive substances and their parents. Her research is focused on studying the
preventive factors in the family for young not to interfere with psychoac­
tive substances.

Mateja Pšunder
Dr. Mateja Pšunder je redna profesorica za pedagogiko na Filozofski
fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru. Njeno znanstvenoraziskovalno delo je
usmerjeno na področje vzgoje in izobraževanja, kjer pozornost namen­
ja raziskovanju aktualnih pedagoških vprašanj kot so disciplinska prob­
lematika, nasilje, vzgojni pristopi, strategije in uporaba informacijsko ko­
munikacijske tehnologije v izobraževanju.
Dr. Mateja Pšunder is currently Professor of Pedagogy at the University of
Maribor. Her research work is focused on the area of education, where at­
tention is paid to the research of current pedagogical issues such as disci­
plinary problems, violence, educational approaches, strategies and the use
of ICT in education.

Mitja Sardoč
Mitja Sardoč (PhD) is a senior research associate at the Educational
Research Institute in Ljubljana (Slovenia) where he is member of the
‘Social Contract in the 21st Century’ research programme. He is author
of scholarly articles and editor of a number of journal special issues on
citizenship education, multiculturalism, toleration, equality of opportu­
nity and patriotism. He is Managing Editor of Theory and Research in
Education [] and member of the editorial board
of Educational Philosophy and Theory and the Open Review of Educational
Research. He edited two books published by Wiley (Citizenship, Inclusion
and Democracy and Toleration, Respect and Recognition in Education). He
is also a contributing author to the SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational

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