Page 239 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, št. 3-4: K paradigmam raziskovanja vzgoje in izobraževanja, ur. Valerija Vendramin
P. 239
avtorji ■ authors

slovenskimi univerzami ter na seminarjih Retorika za učitelje retorike, ki
so namenjeni učiteljem obveznega izbirnega predmeta retorika.
Janja Žmavc is an associate professor in linguistics and works as a senior re­
search associate at the Educational Research Institute in Ljubljana. Fields
of her research are: history of classical rhetoric, rhetorical theory and prac­
tice, rhetorical means of persuasion (ethos, pathos, logos), argumentation,
theory of argumentation, linguistic pragmatics, didactics of classical lan­
guages and didactics of rhetoric. She is an author and a co-author of three
monographs and several papers from the field of rhetoric, argumentation
and pragmatics and a co-author of the only Slovenian textbook for rheto­
ric lessons in the primary school. She has years of experience in lecturing
rhetoric and argumentation at Slovenian universities as well as at the In-
service teacher education for teachers of rhetoric.

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