Page 232 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, št. 3-4: K paradigmam raziskovanja vzgoje in izobraževanja, ur. Valerija Vendramin
P. 232
šolsko polje, letnik xxix, številka 3–4
srednji šoli ter svetovalnem centru za otroke, mladostnike in starše. Sedaj
je visokošolska učiteljica in se tudi ukvarja z metodološkim svetovan
jem visokošolskim učiteljem in drugim raziskovalcem. Pridobljene ra
ziskovalne izkušnje so vezane na izvajanje eksperimentalnih in neeksper
imentalnih pedagoških raziskav ter evalvacijo različnih nacionalnih in
mednacionalnih projektov (gl. IZUM/Cobiss/Bibliografija 10631).
Dr. Branka Čagran, 1961, Slovenia. She is Professor of Pedagogical
Methodology at the Faculty of Education in Maribor. She has 30 years of
work experience in different fields of pedagogical education. She gained
practical experience working as pedagogical counsellor in primary school,
and also in the counselling center for young children, adolescents and par
ents. Presently, she is involved in advising university teachers and research
ers on research methodology. She has gained her research experience from
active participation in experimental and non-experimental pedagogical
research, and in the evaluation of national and international school pro
jects (see IZUM/Cobiss/Bibliographies 10631).
Maja Hmelak
Dr. Maja Hmelak je izredna profesorica za področje pedagogike na
Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru. Na področju pedagoškega dela
pozornost posveča teoriji vzgoje in predšolski pedagogiki ter različnim vi
dikom pedagoške komunikacije in sodelovanju staršev in vzgojiteljev. Na
znanstvenem področju se raziskovalno ukvarja s preučevanjem celotnega
zgodnjega otroštva kot tudi profesionalnim razvojem vzgojiteljev predšol
skih otrok. Je avtorica in soavtorica znanstvenih člankov, delov znanstve
nih in strokovnih monografij, strokovnih člankov, recenzij. Ob tem se še
posebej osredotoča na področja komunikacije, sodelovanja, stresa, kon
fliktov, kompetenc, tabu tem, (tiskanim) medijem, medgeneracijskemu in
medkulturnemu povezovanja ter kakovosti.
Dr. Maja Hmelak is an associate professor of pedagogy at the Faculty of
Education, University of Maribor. In the field of pedagogical work, she
devotes attention to the theory of education and preschool pedagogy, as
well as to various aspects of pedagogical communication and cooperation
between parents and educators. In the scientific field, the research is con
cerned with the study of the entire early childhood, as well as the profes
sional development of preschool teachers. She is the author and co-author
of scientific monographs, scientific articles, parts of scientific and expert
monographs, expert articles, reviews. In particular, it focuses on the are
as of communication, cooperation, stress, conflicts, competences, taboo
theme, (printed) media, intergenerational and intercultural connectivi
ty and quality.
srednji šoli ter svetovalnem centru za otroke, mladostnike in starše. Sedaj
je visokošolska učiteljica in se tudi ukvarja z metodološkim svetovan
jem visokošolskim učiteljem in drugim raziskovalcem. Pridobljene ra
ziskovalne izkušnje so vezane na izvajanje eksperimentalnih in neeksper
imentalnih pedagoških raziskav ter evalvacijo različnih nacionalnih in
mednacionalnih projektov (gl. IZUM/Cobiss/Bibliografija 10631).
Dr. Branka Čagran, 1961, Slovenia. She is Professor of Pedagogical
Methodology at the Faculty of Education in Maribor. She has 30 years of
work experience in different fields of pedagogical education. She gained
practical experience working as pedagogical counsellor in primary school,
and also in the counselling center for young children, adolescents and par
ents. Presently, she is involved in advising university teachers and research
ers on research methodology. She has gained her research experience from
active participation in experimental and non-experimental pedagogical
research, and in the evaluation of national and international school pro
jects (see IZUM/Cobiss/Bibliographies 10631).
Maja Hmelak
Dr. Maja Hmelak je izredna profesorica za področje pedagogike na
Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru. Na področju pedagoškega dela
pozornost posveča teoriji vzgoje in predšolski pedagogiki ter različnim vi
dikom pedagoške komunikacije in sodelovanju staršev in vzgojiteljev. Na
znanstvenem področju se raziskovalno ukvarja s preučevanjem celotnega
zgodnjega otroštva kot tudi profesionalnim razvojem vzgojiteljev predšol
skih otrok. Je avtorica in soavtorica znanstvenih člankov, delov znanstve
nih in strokovnih monografij, strokovnih člankov, recenzij. Ob tem se še
posebej osredotoča na področja komunikacije, sodelovanja, stresa, kon
fliktov, kompetenc, tabu tem, (tiskanim) medijem, medgeneracijskemu in
medkulturnemu povezovanja ter kakovosti.
Dr. Maja Hmelak is an associate professor of pedagogy at the Faculty of
Education, University of Maribor. In the field of pedagogical work, she
devotes attention to the theory of education and preschool pedagogy, as
well as to various aspects of pedagogical communication and cooperation
between parents and educators. In the scientific field, the research is con
cerned with the study of the entire early childhood, as well as the profes
sional development of preschool teachers. She is the author and co-author
of scientific monographs, scientific articles, parts of scientific and expert
monographs, expert articles, reviews. In particular, it focuses on the are
as of communication, cooperation, stress, conflicts, competences, taboo
theme, (printed) media, intergenerational and intercultural connectivi
ty and quality.