Page 218 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, št. 3-4: K paradigmam raziskovanja vzgoje in izobraževanja, ur. Valerija Vendramin
P. 218
šolsko polje, letnik xxix, številka 3–4

so bile nasledek pretresov pred petdesetimi leti preobrazbe družboslov­
ja in humanistike, ki so bile povezane s socialnimi gibanji, kot so femini­
zem, okoljs­ke pobude ter prakse alternativnih življenjskih slogov, obliko­
vale pa so se tudi nove oblike »tradicionalnih« razrednih konfliktov. V
tem članku glede na ta kontekst obravnavam kritične refleksije časa in nje­
govih domnevnih emancipacijskih učinkov po koncu intenzivnih doga­
janj, zanimajo me predvsem Lascheve kritike na eni strani pomanjkljivih
revolucionarnih konceptov in že vidnih nasprotnih reakcij institucional­
nih agensov, ki so se kazale že pred odkritim prodorom neoliberalizma.
Ključne besede: reforma, šestdeseta leta, univerza, šola, neoliberalizem

Sixties of the twentieth century and education

The still unfinished, unspecified historical memory of the sixties of the
20th century, in which, according to Badiou, also the last breakthrough
event in recent history was recorded, contains the evidence of the demands
for changes in education. A look at this part of the events of the sixties and
seventies, like a view of the complex political, cultural and social events of
the times, is obscured by the decontextualized media “cult” images of hip­
pie movement, rock musical events and phantasmatic narratives about the
happy generation. The fiftieth anniversary of the emblematic year of 1968
can serve as a signal for a new deconstruction of the undoubtedly break­
through period and its social effects. In this wider context, questions are
raised regarding education at all levels, since many initiatives for the new
role of education from the 1960s and 1970s were actually repressed or cen­
sored – especially after the neoliberal, neoconservative transformation of
the global system has been established. The reform of higher education in
the United States and in Europe in the 1960s and 1970s was a “battlefield”,
in which stood up against each other the technocratic and humanist par­
adigm, according to Habermasian interpretation. Although most of the
conflicts in the field of education took place at universities, many new ed­
ucational ideas were created for democratic, free and accessible learning
at all levels. Therefore, always anew the names of the educational gurus of
that time, such as Illich, Freire, and others, come back from the oblivion.
Today it is possible to say with certainty that the consequences of the dis­
ruptions of fifty years ago were the transformations of social sciences and
humanities, which were associated with social movements such as femi­
nism, environmental initiatives, the practice of alternative lifestyles, and
new forms of “traditional” class conflicts. In this article in this context, I
consider critical reflections of time and its supposed emancipatory effects
after the end of intense events. In particular, I am interested in Lasch’s
criticism on the one hand of deficient “revolutionary” concepts and the

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