Page 128 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, št. 1-2: Bralna (ne)pismenost, ur. Klaudija Šterman Ivančič
P. 128
šolsko polje, letnik xxxi, številka 1–2
zakonov in politike šole, pomoč pri pridobivanju potrebnih sredstev za iz
vedbo programov, podpora pri raziskovanju področja).
Astor, R. A., in Meyer, H. A. (2001) The conceptualization of violence – pro
ne school sub-contexts. Is the sum of the parts greater than the whole?
Urban Education 36 (3), str. 374–399.
Booth-LaForce, C. L., Oh, W., Kim, A., Rubin, K. H., Rose-Krasnor, L., in
Burgess, K. B. (2006) Attachment, self-worth, and peer-group functio
ning in middle childhood. Attachment and Human Development 8, str.
Caples, H. S., in Barrera, Jr., M. (2004) Conflict, support and coping ad me
diators of the relation between degrading parenting and adolescent ad
justment. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 35, str. 603–615.
Cohen, J., in Geier, V. K. (2010) School climate research summary (January
2010) New York: National School Climate Center.
Eliot, M., Cornell, D., Gregory, A., in Fan, X. (2010) Supportive school cli
mate and student willingness to seek help for bullying and threats of
violence. Journal of School Psychology 48, str. 533–553.
Espelage, D. L., Bosworth, K., in Simon, T. R. (2000) Examining the so
cial context of bullying behaviors in early adolescence. Journal of
Counseling and Development 78, str. 326–333.
Farrington, D. P., in Ttofi, M. M. (2009) Campbell systematic reviews: school-
-based programs to reduce bullying and victimization. Spletna stran: (pridobljeno 20. 5.
Field, T., Lan, G. C., Yando, R., in Bendell, D. (1995) Adolescent’s intimacy
with parents and friends. Adolescence 30, str. 133–140.
Gini, G., in Pozzoli, T. (2009) Association between bullying and psychoso
matic symptoms: A meta-analysis. Pediatrics 123, str. 1059–1065.
Gottfredson, D. (2001) Schools and Delinquency. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Herman-Stahl, M., in Peterson, A. C. (1996) The protective role of cop
ing and social resources for depressive symptoms among young adoles
cents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 25, str. 733–753.
IEA (brez datuma) IDB Analyzer. Spletna stran:
html (pridobljeno 20. 1. 2020).
Isaacs, J., Hodges, E. V. E., in Salmivalli, C. (2008) Long-term consequenc
es of victimization by peers: A follow-up from adolescence to young
zakonov in politike šole, pomoč pri pridobivanju potrebnih sredstev za iz
vedbo programov, podpora pri raziskovanju področja).
Astor, R. A., in Meyer, H. A. (2001) The conceptualization of violence – pro
ne school sub-contexts. Is the sum of the parts greater than the whole?
Urban Education 36 (3), str. 374–399.
Booth-LaForce, C. L., Oh, W., Kim, A., Rubin, K. H., Rose-Krasnor, L., in
Burgess, K. B. (2006) Attachment, self-worth, and peer-group functio
ning in middle childhood. Attachment and Human Development 8, str.
Caples, H. S., in Barrera, Jr., M. (2004) Conflict, support and coping ad me
diators of the relation between degrading parenting and adolescent ad
justment. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 35, str. 603–615.
Cohen, J., in Geier, V. K. (2010) School climate research summary (January
2010) New York: National School Climate Center.
Eliot, M., Cornell, D., Gregory, A., in Fan, X. (2010) Supportive school cli
mate and student willingness to seek help for bullying and threats of
violence. Journal of School Psychology 48, str. 533–553.
Espelage, D. L., Bosworth, K., in Simon, T. R. (2000) Examining the so
cial context of bullying behaviors in early adolescence. Journal of
Counseling and Development 78, str. 326–333.
Farrington, D. P., in Ttofi, M. M. (2009) Campbell systematic reviews: school-
-based programs to reduce bullying and victimization. Spletna stran: (pridobljeno 20. 5.
Field, T., Lan, G. C., Yando, R., in Bendell, D. (1995) Adolescent’s intimacy
with parents and friends. Adolescence 30, str. 133–140.
Gini, G., in Pozzoli, T. (2009) Association between bullying and psychoso
matic symptoms: A meta-analysis. Pediatrics 123, str. 1059–1065.
Gottfredson, D. (2001) Schools and Delinquency. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Herman-Stahl, M., in Peterson, A. C. (1996) The protective role of cop
ing and social resources for depressive symptoms among young adoles
cents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 25, str. 733–753.
IEA (brez datuma) IDB Analyzer. Spletna stran:
html (pridobljeno 20. 1. 2020).
Isaacs, J., Hodges, E. V. E., in Salmivalli, C. (2008) Long-term consequenc
es of victimization by peers: A follow-up from adolescence to young