Page 39 - Autor, S., Bijuklic, I., Štefanc, D., Žmavc. J. (ur.) (2023). Pedagoški leksikon: izbrani temeljni pojmi. Poskusna izdaja. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 39
Viri 39
Bayliss, V. (2001). Opening minds, increasing opportunities: The future of the school curriculum.
Bergenhenegouwen, G. J., ten Horn, H. F. K. in Mooijman, E. A. M. (1996). Competence deve-
lopement – a challenge for HRM professionals: core competences of organizations as
guidelines for the development of employees. Journal of European Industrial Training,
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Chomsky, N. (1964). Current issues in linguistic theory. V J. A. Fodor in J. J. Katz (ur.), The struc-
ture of language: Readings in the philosophy of language (str. 50–118). Prentice-Hall.
Chomsky, N. (1965). Aspects of the theory of syntax. The MIT Press.
Civelli, F. F. (1997). New competencies, new organizations in a developing world. Industrial
and Commercial Training, 29(7), 226–229.
Dejoux, C. (1999). Organisation qualifiante et maturite en gestion des competences. Directi-
on et Gestion des Entreprises, 158.
Delamare Le Deist, F. in Winterton, J. (2005). What is competence? Human Resource Develo-
pment International, 8(1), 27–46.
European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture. (2019).
Key competences for lifelong learning. Publications Office.
Eurydice. (2002). Key competencies.
Grzeda, M. M. (2005). In competence we trust? Addressing conceptual ambiguity. Journal of
Management Development, 24(6), 530–545.
Hymes, D. (1972). On communicative competence. V J. B. Pride in J. Holmes (ur.), Sociolingu-
istics: Selected readings (str. 269–313). Penguin Books.
Johnson, H. C. ml. (1984). Teacher competence: An historical analysis. V E. C. Short (ur.), Com-
petence: Inquiries into its meaning and acquisition in educational settings (str. 41–69). Uni-
versity Press of America.
Kohont, A. (2005). Razvrščanje kompetenc. V M. S. Pezdirc (ur.), Kompetence v kadrovski prak-
si (str. 31–48). GV Izobraževanje.
Kompetenzen als Ziele von Bildung und Qualifikation (Bericht der Expertengruppe des Forum
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und Forschungsförderung.
Laval, C. (2005). Šola ni podjetje: neoliberalni napad na javno šolstvo (K. Rotar, prev.). Krtina.
Longyka, P. (ur.). (2003). Angleško-slovenski pravni slovar. Prestige Group.
Lum, G. (1999). Where’s the competence in competence-based education and training?
Journal of Philosophy of Education, 33(3), 403–418.
McClelland, D. C. (1973). Testing for competence rather than for “intelligence”. American Psy-
chologist, 28(1), 1–14.
McClelland, D. C. in Boyatzis, R. E. (1980). Opportunities for counselors from the competency
assessment movement. The Personnel and Guidance Journal, 59(1), 368–372.
Norris, N. (1991). The trouble with competence. Cambridge Journal of Education, 21(3), 331–342.
OECD. (2002). Definition and selection of competencies (DeSeCo): theoretical and conceptual
foundations [Strategy paper].
Bayliss, V. (2001). Opening minds, increasing opportunities: The future of the school curriculum.
Bergenhenegouwen, G. J., ten Horn, H. F. K. in Mooijman, E. A. M. (1996). Competence deve-
lopement – a challenge for HRM professionals: core competences of organizations as
guidelines for the development of employees. Journal of European Industrial Training,
20(9), 29–35.
Chomsky, N. (1964). Current issues in linguistic theory. V J. A. Fodor in J. J. Katz (ur.), The struc-
ture of language: Readings in the philosophy of language (str. 50–118). Prentice-Hall.
Chomsky, N. (1965). Aspects of the theory of syntax. The MIT Press.
Civelli, F. F. (1997). New competencies, new organizations in a developing world. Industrial
and Commercial Training, 29(7), 226–229.
Dejoux, C. (1999). Organisation qualifiante et maturite en gestion des competences. Directi-
on et Gestion des Entreprises, 158.
Delamare Le Deist, F. in Winterton, J. (2005). What is competence? Human Resource Develo-
pment International, 8(1), 27–46.
European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture. (2019).
Key competences for lifelong learning. Publications Office.
Eurydice. (2002). Key competencies.
Grzeda, M. M. (2005). In competence we trust? Addressing conceptual ambiguity. Journal of
Management Development, 24(6), 530–545.
Hymes, D. (1972). On communicative competence. V J. B. Pride in J. Holmes (ur.), Sociolingu-
istics: Selected readings (str. 269–313). Penguin Books.
Johnson, H. C. ml. (1984). Teacher competence: An historical analysis. V E. C. Short (ur.), Com-
petence: Inquiries into its meaning and acquisition in educational settings (str. 41–69). Uni-
versity Press of America.
Kohont, A. (2005). Razvrščanje kompetenc. V M. S. Pezdirc (ur.), Kompetence v kadrovski prak-
si (str. 31–48). GV Izobraževanje.
Kompetenzen als Ziele von Bildung und Qualifikation (Bericht der Expertengruppe des Forum
Bildung). (2000). Geschäftsstelle der Bund-Länderkommission für Bildungsplanung
und Forschungsförderung.
Laval, C. (2005). Šola ni podjetje: neoliberalni napad na javno šolstvo (K. Rotar, prev.). Krtina.
Longyka, P. (ur.). (2003). Angleško-slovenski pravni slovar. Prestige Group.
Lum, G. (1999). Where’s the competence in competence-based education and training?
Journal of Philosophy of Education, 33(3), 403–418.
McClelland, D. C. (1973). Testing for competence rather than for “intelligence”. American Psy-
chologist, 28(1), 1–14.
McClelland, D. C. in Boyatzis, R. E. (1980). Opportunities for counselors from the competency
assessment movement. The Personnel and Guidance Journal, 59(1), 368–372.
Norris, N. (1991). The trouble with competence. Cambridge Journal of Education, 21(3), 331–342.
OECD. (2002). Definition and selection of competencies (DeSeCo): theoretical and conceptual
foundations [Strategy paper].