Page 126 - Klaudija Šterman Ivančič in Urška Štremfel • Globalne kompetence slovenskih učencev in učenk: konceptualni in empirični vpogledi. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2023. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 45
P. 126
obalne kompetence slovenskih učencev in učenk: konceptualni in empirični vpogledi
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inable Development, 2005–2014. Dostopno na https://unesdoc.unesco.
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Organizacija združenih narodov (OZN) (2015). Transforming our world: the
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Oxfam, G. B. (2006). Education for global citizenship: A guide for schools.
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Oxley, L., in Morris, P. (2013). Global Citizenship: A Typology for Distingui-
shing its Multiple Conceptions, British Journal of Educational Studies, 61
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Paluck, E., in Green, D. (2009). Prejudice reduction: What works? A review
and assessment of research and practice. Annual Review of Psychology, 60
(1), 339–367,
Pais, A., in Costa, M. (2020). An ideology critique of global citizenship educa-
tion, Critical Studies in Education, 61 (1), 1–16,
Pan, S.-Y. (2011). Multileveled citizenship and citizenship education: experi-
ences of students in China‘s Beijing. Citizenship Studies, 15 (2), 283–306,
Parmigiani, D., Jones, S.-L., Kunnari, I., in Nicchia, E. (2022a). Global compe-
tence and teacher education programmes. A European perspective. Cogent
Education, 9 (1), 2022996,
Parmigiani, D., Jones, S.-L., Silvaggio, C., Nicchia, E., Ambrosini, A., Pa-
rio, M., Pedevilla, A., in Sardi, I. (2022b). Assessing Global Competence
Within Teacher Education Programs. How to Design and Create a Set of
Organizacija združenih narodov (1992). Agenda (21). United Nations Confe-
rence on Environment & Development. Rio de Janerio, Brazilija, 3.–14.
junija 1992. Dostopno na
documents/Agenda21.pdf (pridobljeno 20. septembra 2022).
Organizacija združenih narodov (2000). United Nations Millennium Declara-
tion. Dostopno na
migration/generalassembly/docs/globalcompact/A_RES_55_2.pdf (pri-
dobljeno 20. septembra 2022).
Organizacija združenih narodov (2005). UN Decade of Education for Susta-
inable Development, 2005–2014. Dostopno na https://unesdoc.unesco.
org/ark:/48223/pf0000141629 (pridobljeno 20. septembra 2022).
Organizacija združenih narodov (OZN) (2015). Transforming our world: the
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Dostopno na https://susta-
for%20Sustainable%20Development%20web.pdf (pridobljeno 20. sep-
tembra 2022).
Oxfam, G. B. (2006). Education for global citizenship: A guide for schools.
Dostopno na
schools.ashx (pridobljeno 20. septembra 2022).
Oxley, L., in Morris, P. (2013). Global Citizenship: A Typology for Distingui-
shing its Multiple Conceptions, British Journal of Educational Studies, 61
(3), 301–325,
Paluck, E., in Green, D. (2009). Prejudice reduction: What works? A review
and assessment of research and practice. Annual Review of Psychology, 60
(1), 339–367,
Pais, A., in Costa, M. (2020). An ideology critique of global citizenship educa-
tion, Critical Studies in Education, 61 (1), 1–16,
Pan, S.-Y. (2011). Multileveled citizenship and citizenship education: experi-
ences of students in China‘s Beijing. Citizenship Studies, 15 (2), 283–306,
Parmigiani, D., Jones, S.-L., Kunnari, I., in Nicchia, E. (2022a). Global compe-
tence and teacher education programmes. A European perspective. Cogent
Education, 9 (1), 2022996,
Parmigiani, D., Jones, S.-L., Silvaggio, C., Nicchia, E., Ambrosini, A., Pa-
rio, M., Pedevilla, A., in Sardi, I. (2022b). Assessing Global Competence
Within Teacher Education Programs. How to Design and Create a Set of