Page 130 - Klaudija Šterman Ivančič in Urška Štremfel • Globalne kompetence slovenskih učencev in učenk: konceptualni in empirični vpogledi. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2023. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 45
P. 130
obalne kompetence slovenskih učencev in učenk: konceptualni in empirični vpogledi
(pridobljeno 20. septembra 2022).
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lenges of the 21st century. Pariz: UNESCO.
UNESCO (2015). Global Citizenship Education. Topics and Learning Objecti-
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UNESCO (2016). Education 2030. Incheon Declaration and Framework for
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UNESCO (2018). Preparing Teachers for Global Citizenship Education. A
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Van Goethem, A., ten Dam, G., in Dijkstra, A. B. (2020). What does society
want adolescents to know about civics? Research Papers in Education, 37
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Van Werven, I. M., Coelen, R. J., Jansen, E. P. W., in Hofman, W. H. (2021).
Global teaching competencies in primary education. Compare: A Journal
of Comparative and International Education,
Veugelers, W. (2011). The moral and the political in global citizenship: appre-
ciating differences in education, Globalisation, Societies and Education, 9
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Wanders, F. H., Dijkstra, A. B., Maslowski, R., in Van der Veen, I. (2020). The
effect of teacher-student and student-student relationships on the socie-
tal involvement of students. Research Papers in Education, 35 (3), 266–286,
World Value Survey (2021). WVS 7. Dostopno na https://www.worldvalu- (pridobljeno 3. avgusta 2021).
(pridobljeno 20. septembra 2022).
UNESCO (1995). Declaration and Integrated Framework of Action on Educa-
tion for Peace, Human Rights and Democracy [Izjava in celostni akcijski
okvir za izobraževanje za mir, človekove pravice in demokracijo]. Dosto-
pno na (pridobljeno
20. septembra 2022).
UNESCO (2014). Global Citizenship Education. Preparing learners for the chal-
lenges of the 21st century. Pariz: UNESCO.
UNESCO (2015). Global Citizenship Education. Topics and Learning Objecti-
ves. Pariz: UNESCO.
UNESCO (2016). Education 2030. Incheon Declaration and Framework for
Action for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 4. Do-
stopno na
pdf (pridobljeno 3. avgusta 2021).
UNESCO (2018). Preparing Teachers for Global Citizenship Education. A
Template. Pariz: UNESCO.
UNESCO (2022). Vzgoja in izobraževanje za trajnostni razvoj. Kažipot. Dosto-
pno na
pdf (pridobljeno 3. decembra 2022).
Van Goethem, A., ten Dam, G., in Dijkstra, A. B. (2020). What does society
want adolescents to know about civics? Research Papers in Education, 37
(5), 707–728,
Van Werven, I. M., Coelen, R. J., Jansen, E. P. W., in Hofman, W. H. (2021).
Global teaching competencies in primary education. Compare: A Journal
of Comparative and International Education,
Veugelers, W. (2011). The moral and the political in global citizenship: appre-
ciating differences in education, Globalisation, Societies and Education, 9
(3-4), 473–485,
Wanders, F. H., Dijkstra, A. B., Maslowski, R., in Van der Veen, I. (2020). The
effect of teacher-student and student-student relationships on the socie-
tal involvement of students. Research Papers in Education, 35 (3), 266–286,
World Value Survey (2021). WVS 7. Dostopno na https://www.worldvalu- (pridobljeno 3. avgusta 2021).