Page 540 - Kozina, Ana, Tina Pivec, Ana Mlekuž, Urška Štremfel, Janja Žmavc, Katja Košir, Ajda Mlakar, Martina Zakšek. 2022. Pozitivni razvoj mladih v Sloveniji: razvojne poti v kontekstu migracij. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2022. Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 22.
P. 540
Balaguer, Á., Benítez, E., de la Fuente, J. in Osorio, A. (2022). Structural empiri-
cal model of personal positive youth development, parenting, and scho-
ol climate. Psychology in the Schools, 59, 451– 470.
Berkowitz R, Moore H, Astor RA, Benbenishty R. (2017). A Research Synthesis of
the Associations Between Socioeconomic Background, Inequality, School
Climate, and Academic Achievement. Review of Educational Research, 87(2),
425–469. doi: 10.3102/0034654316669821
Bogsnes Larsen, T. in Holsen, I. (2021). Youth Participation in the Dream School
Program in Norway: An Application of a Logic Model of the Six Cs of Posi-
tive Youth Development. V Dimitrova, R. in Wiium, N. (ur.). Handbook of Po
sitive Youth Development. Advancing Research, Policy and Practice in Global
Contexts (387–398). Springer.
Catalano, R. F., Skinner, M. L., Alvardo, G., Kapungu, C., Reavley, N., Patton, G. C.,
idr. (2019). Positive youth development programs in low- and middle- in-
540 come countries. A conceptual framework and systematic review of effica-
cy. Journal of Adolescent Health, 65(1), 15–31.
Chhuon, V. in Wallace, T. L. (2014). Creating Connectedness Through Being
Known: Fulfilling the Need to Belong in U.S. High Schools. Youth & Society,
46(3), 379–401.
Cohen, J., Mccabe, E. M., Michelli, N. M. in Pickeral, T. (2009). School Climate:
Research, Policy, Practice, and Teacher Education. Teachers College Record,
111(1), 180–213.
Eccles, J. S. in Roeser, R. W. (2011). Schools as Developmental Contexts During
Adolescence Journal of Research on Adolescence 21(1), 225–241.
Ginner Hau, H., Ferrer-Wreder, L., Westinf Allodi, M. (2021). Capitalizing on Clas-
sroom Climate to Promote Positive Development. V Dimitrova, R. in Wiium,
N. (ur.) Handbook of Positive Youth Development. Advancing Research, Policy
and Practice in Global Contexts (375–386). Springer.
Goodenow, C. (1993). The psychological sense of school membership among
adolescents: Scale development and educational correlates. Psychology in
the Schools, 30, 79–90.
Grazia, V. in Molinari, L. (2020). School climate multi-dimensionality and me-
asurement: A systematic literature review. Research Papers in Education,
36(5), 561–587.
Hoy, W. K. in Miskel, C. G. (2005). Educational Administration: Theory, Research,
and Practice. New York: McGraw Hill.
pozitivni razvoj mladih v sloveniji: razvojne poti v kontekstu migracij
cal model of personal positive youth development, parenting, and scho-
ol climate. Psychology in the Schools, 59, 451– 470.
Berkowitz R, Moore H, Astor RA, Benbenishty R. (2017). A Research Synthesis of
the Associations Between Socioeconomic Background, Inequality, School
Climate, and Academic Achievement. Review of Educational Research, 87(2),
425–469. doi: 10.3102/0034654316669821
Bogsnes Larsen, T. in Holsen, I. (2021). Youth Participation in the Dream School
Program in Norway: An Application of a Logic Model of the Six Cs of Posi-
tive Youth Development. V Dimitrova, R. in Wiium, N. (ur.). Handbook of Po
sitive Youth Development. Advancing Research, Policy and Practice in Global
Contexts (387–398). Springer.
Catalano, R. F., Skinner, M. L., Alvardo, G., Kapungu, C., Reavley, N., Patton, G. C.,
idr. (2019). Positive youth development programs in low- and middle- in-
540 come countries. A conceptual framework and systematic review of effica-
cy. Journal of Adolescent Health, 65(1), 15–31.
Chhuon, V. in Wallace, T. L. (2014). Creating Connectedness Through Being
Known: Fulfilling the Need to Belong in U.S. High Schools. Youth & Society,
46(3), 379–401.
Cohen, J., Mccabe, E. M., Michelli, N. M. in Pickeral, T. (2009). School Climate:
Research, Policy, Practice, and Teacher Education. Teachers College Record,
111(1), 180–213.
Eccles, J. S. in Roeser, R. W. (2011). Schools as Developmental Contexts During
Adolescence Journal of Research on Adolescence 21(1), 225–241.
Ginner Hau, H., Ferrer-Wreder, L., Westinf Allodi, M. (2021). Capitalizing on Clas-
sroom Climate to Promote Positive Development. V Dimitrova, R. in Wiium,
N. (ur.) Handbook of Positive Youth Development. Advancing Research, Policy
and Practice in Global Contexts (375–386). Springer.
Goodenow, C. (1993). The psychological sense of school membership among
adolescents: Scale development and educational correlates. Psychology in
the Schools, 30, 79–90.
Grazia, V. in Molinari, L. (2020). School climate multi-dimensionality and me-
asurement: A systematic literature review. Research Papers in Education,
36(5), 561–587.
Hoy, W. K. in Miskel, C. G. (2005). Educational Administration: Theory, Research,
and Practice. New York: McGraw Hill.
pozitivni razvoj mladih v sloveniji: razvojne poti v kontekstu migracij