Page 36 - Karmen Pižorn, Alja Lipavic Oštir in Janja Žmavc, ur. • Obrazi več-/raznojezičnosti. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2022. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 44
P. 36

In this research paper, we aim to discover the attitude of teachers from
the project Languages count towards their mother tongue as well as for-
eign languages. As part of this project, teachers (n = 452) filled out a
questionnaire, which was used to obtain data on the implications of
languages in their daily lives. Statements relating to different languag-
es and learning languages, and the extent to which the teachers agree
with them are a fundamental element of the questionnaire. The teachers
expressed their agreement with the individual statements on a 5-point
scale. The obtained data was analysed with the help of the SPSS Statis-
tics software package. For the purpose of the analysis, the selected state-
ments were divided into seven categories: (1) general attitudes towards
early learning, (2) the importance of mastering Slovene, (3) the value
of foreign language skills for the profession, career and personal de-
velopment, (4) language and culture, 5) the course of language acquisi-
tion, (6) language and emotions, and (7) school policy. We were interest-
ed in finding out whether there are statistical differences in individual
categories between foreign language teachers and teachers of other or
non-linguistic subjects. The existence of statistically significant differ-
ences was also checked between teachers residing in the Eastern vs the
Western Cohesion Region.
Keywords: (foreign) language(s), teacher(s), language skills, language
learning, school

1. Uvod

Vsakdanji in medkulturni izzivi nam danes sporočajo, da je večjezičnost

po eni strani pričakovano stanje, po drugi strani pa izziv za jezikovno in
šolsko politiko v nacionalnih državah Evropske unije, v katerih, kot vemo
iz preteklosti, razvijanje večjezičnosti ni bilo nujno zaželeno. Formalno se
Evropska unija še posebej zavzema za jezikovno raznolikost in učenje jezi-
kov držav članic, kar povzema v sloganu »Združena v raznolikosti«. Zna-
nje jezikov nas povezuje z drugimi ljudmi, nam da vpogled v druge kultu-
re in poleg osebnostne rasti in miselnega razvoja omogoča tudi poslovno
povezovanje in mednarodno gospodarsko komunikacijo, kar pripomore
k zaposljivosti in mobilnosti ljudi. To so razlogi za oblikovanje ustreznih
postulatov in aktivnosti v okviru današnje jezikovne in šolske politike v dr-
žavah članicah. K temu sodi tudi prizadevanje za izboljšanje poučevanja in
učenja jezikov. V ta sklop sodijo tudi kompetence in stališča tistih, ki jezike
poučujejo. Vendar pa poučevanja in učenja jezikov danes ne moremo razu-

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