Page 380 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: medsebojni vplivi raziskovanja in prakse. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2021. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 380
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju: medsebojni vpliv r aziskovanja in pr akse
Tina Vršnik Perše is a PhD of Educational Sciences, employed in the De-
partment of Basic Pedagogical Studies, Faculty of Education, University of
Maribor, Slovenia as Associate Professor in the Pedagogy section and Eval-
uation Studies Centre, Pedagogical Research Institute, Slovenia as Scien-
tific Associate. The main fields of her research work are the integration of
children with special needs, professional development of teachers and co-
operation between school and parents. As a project manager and research-
er, she has participated in several international comparative evaluation
studies, applied research projects and national evaluation studies. As a co-
ordinator and collaborator, she participates in various teacher training pro-
grammes. Currently, she is a Vice Dean for Educational Affairs at the Fac-
ulty of Education of the University of Maribor.
Mateja Brejc je magistrirala iz vodenja v izobraževanju na Manchester Me-
tropolitan University v Veliki Britaniji in doktorirala iz managementa na
Fakulteti za management Univerze na Primorskem. V Šoli za ravnatelje je
zaposlena na delovnem mestu področne sekretarke za področje kakovosti
v šolah, kjer vodi različne projekte in usposabljanja, ki pokrivajo področ-
ja kakovosti, razvojnega in akcijskega načrtovanja, samoevalvacije in vo-
denja v izobraževanju. Kot docentka za področje managementa sodeluje
pri izvajanju predmetov na MFDPŠ in DOBa fakulteti. Je (so)avtorica več
domačih in tujih člankov in publikacij. Aktivno sodeluje v mednarodnih
združenjih ENIRDELM, ICSEI in European Evaluation Society ter projek-
Mateja Brejc holds a Master‘s degree in Management in Education from
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, and a PhD in Management from
the Faculty of Management at the University of Primorska. She works at the
National School for Leadership in Education where she leads various pro-
jects and trainings covering the areas of quality, school improvement, self-
-evaluation and leadership in education. As an assistant professor she par-
ticipates in the implementation of courses at the ISSBS faculty and DOBA
faculty. She is the (co) author of several articles and publications. She acti-
vely participates in international associations ENIRDELM, ICSEI and the
European Evaluation Society, as well as ERASMUS + projects.
Svetlana Jurko je v NEPC-u, mednarodni nevladni organizaciji mreže cen-
trov pedagoških politik, od leta 2006. Njena kariera se razteza od učiteljice
angleščine, do strokovnjaka za programsko opremo in operaterke v službi
Tina Vršnik Perše is a PhD of Educational Sciences, employed in the De-
partment of Basic Pedagogical Studies, Faculty of Education, University of
Maribor, Slovenia as Associate Professor in the Pedagogy section and Eval-
uation Studies Centre, Pedagogical Research Institute, Slovenia as Scien-
tific Associate. The main fields of her research work are the integration of
children with special needs, professional development of teachers and co-
operation between school and parents. As a project manager and research-
er, she has participated in several international comparative evaluation
studies, applied research projects and national evaluation studies. As a co-
ordinator and collaborator, she participates in various teacher training pro-
grammes. Currently, she is a Vice Dean for Educational Affairs at the Fac-
ulty of Education of the University of Maribor.
Mateja Brejc je magistrirala iz vodenja v izobraževanju na Manchester Me-
tropolitan University v Veliki Britaniji in doktorirala iz managementa na
Fakulteti za management Univerze na Primorskem. V Šoli za ravnatelje je
zaposlena na delovnem mestu področne sekretarke za področje kakovosti
v šolah, kjer vodi različne projekte in usposabljanja, ki pokrivajo področ-
ja kakovosti, razvojnega in akcijskega načrtovanja, samoevalvacije in vo-
denja v izobraževanju. Kot docentka za področje managementa sodeluje
pri izvajanju predmetov na MFDPŠ in DOBa fakulteti. Je (so)avtorica več
domačih in tujih člankov in publikacij. Aktivno sodeluje v mednarodnih
združenjih ENIRDELM, ICSEI in European Evaluation Society ter projek-
Mateja Brejc holds a Master‘s degree in Management in Education from
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, and a PhD in Management from
the Faculty of Management at the University of Primorska. She works at the
National School for Leadership in Education where she leads various pro-
jects and trainings covering the areas of quality, school improvement, self-
-evaluation and leadership in education. As an assistant professor she par-
ticipates in the implementation of courses at the ISSBS faculty and DOBA
faculty. She is the (co) author of several articles and publications. She acti-
vely participates in international associations ENIRDELM, ICSEI and the
European Evaluation Society, as well as ERASMUS + projects.
Svetlana Jurko je v NEPC-u, mednarodni nevladni organizaciji mreže cen-
trov pedagoških politik, od leta 2006. Njena kariera se razteza od učiteljice
angleščine, do strokovnjaka za programsko opremo in operaterke v službi