Page 385 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: medsebojni vplivi raziskovanja in prakse. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2021. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 385
o avtorjih
a doctoral dissertation with the focus on positive youth development and
bullying behaviour among adolescents in the transition between primary
school and high school.
Ana Kozina je diplomirana univerzitetna psihologinja, doktorica psiholo-
ških ved in docentka za psihologijo. Zaposlena je na Pedagoškem inštitutu,
kjer je vodja Centra za evalvacijske študije. Njeno raziskovalno delo sega na
področji pedagoške in razvojne psihologije. Ukvarja se z razvojem agresiv-
nosti in anksioznosti (obdobje otroštva in mladostništva) ter njune interak-
cije na ravni posameznika in na ravni širšega družbenega okolja (vključno z
razvojem preventivnih in intervencijskih dejavnosti). Na področju pedago-
ške psihologije se ukvarja s preučevanjem dejavnikov (šolska klima, social-
no in čustveno učenje, motivacija …), ki vplivajo na učne dosežke otrok in
mladostnikov. Je članica programske skupine Edukacijske raziskave (2015–
2020), članica uredniškega odbora Založbe Pedagoškega inštituta ter predse-
dnica Slovenskega društva raziskovalcev na področju edukacije (SLODRE).
Ana Kozina is a researcher, assistant professor and the head of the Cen-
tre for evaluation studies in Educational Research Institute. Her work is in
the field of developmental and educational psychology. She is focused on
the developmental and time related trends of aggression and anxiety (in
childhood and adolescence), their interplay and the role that anxiety and
aggression play on the individual level, on the school level and on the com-
munity level (with possible prevention and intervention designs). In the fi-
eld of education she is interested in the factors related to students’ achieve-
ment (school climate, social and emotional learning, motivation...). She is a
member of the program group Educational Research (2015–2020), a mem-
ber of the editorial board of Educational Research Institute Publishing Ho-
use and a president of The Slovenian Educational Research Association
Špela Javornik is a young researcher at the Educational Research Institute
in Ljubljana since January 2019. She graduated from the Faculty of Social
Sciences in the field of Analytical Sociology. She holds a master‘s degree in
social work in the field of family social work. In 2018, she completed the in-
ternship, and she did a professional exam for Social work. Her main resear-
ch interests are sociology of education, civic and citizenship education and
family background.
a doctoral dissertation with the focus on positive youth development and
bullying behaviour among adolescents in the transition between primary
school and high school.
Ana Kozina je diplomirana univerzitetna psihologinja, doktorica psiholo-
ških ved in docentka za psihologijo. Zaposlena je na Pedagoškem inštitutu,
kjer je vodja Centra za evalvacijske študije. Njeno raziskovalno delo sega na
področji pedagoške in razvojne psihologije. Ukvarja se z razvojem agresiv-
nosti in anksioznosti (obdobje otroštva in mladostništva) ter njune interak-
cije na ravni posameznika in na ravni širšega družbenega okolja (vključno z
razvojem preventivnih in intervencijskih dejavnosti). Na področju pedago-
ške psihologije se ukvarja s preučevanjem dejavnikov (šolska klima, social-
no in čustveno učenje, motivacija …), ki vplivajo na učne dosežke otrok in
mladostnikov. Je članica programske skupine Edukacijske raziskave (2015–
2020), članica uredniškega odbora Založbe Pedagoškega inštituta ter predse-
dnica Slovenskega društva raziskovalcev na področju edukacije (SLODRE).
Ana Kozina is a researcher, assistant professor and the head of the Cen-
tre for evaluation studies in Educational Research Institute. Her work is in
the field of developmental and educational psychology. She is focused on
the developmental and time related trends of aggression and anxiety (in
childhood and adolescence), their interplay and the role that anxiety and
aggression play on the individual level, on the school level and on the com-
munity level (with possible prevention and intervention designs). In the fi-
eld of education she is interested in the factors related to students’ achieve-
ment (school climate, social and emotional learning, motivation...). She is a
member of the program group Educational Research (2015–2020), a mem-
ber of the editorial board of Educational Research Institute Publishing Ho-
use and a president of The Slovenian Educational Research Association
Špela Javornik is a young researcher at the Educational Research Institute
in Ljubljana since January 2019. She graduated from the Faculty of Social
Sciences in the field of Analytical Sociology. She holds a master‘s degree in
social work in the field of family social work. In 2018, she completed the in-
ternship, and she did a professional exam for Social work. Her main resear-
ch interests are sociology of education, civic and citizenship education and
family background.