Page 375 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: medsebojni vplivi raziskovanja in prakse. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2021. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 375
povzetki ■ summaries
li s sodelovanjem otrok v raziskavi. Od vseh prehodov med reprezentacija-
mi je bilo otrokom najtežje prehajati iz konkretne v simbolno reprezentaci-
jo, najlažje je bilo prehajati iz grafične v konkretno reprezentacijo. Izkazalo
se je, da je prehajanje med reprezentacijami učinkovit pokazatelj otrokove-
ga razumevanja pojma število.
Ključne besede: števila, štetje, reprezentacija, prehajanje med reprezentaci-
jami, predšolski otroci
Transition between number representations
as an indicator of understanding the concept of numbers
in preschool children
The research work deals with the understanding of the concept of number
in 3-5-year-old children. Theoretical knowledge includes starting points on
counting, representation of numbers and on the child‘s mastery of the con-
cept of number. The empirical part presents the results of checking the abi-
lity to count in 3-5-year-old children and comparing it with the ability to
switch between representations. The research problem addresses whether
children who count well also transition well between representations (con-
crete, graphic, symbolic, and linguistic). Survey data are collected through
a structured interview of children. The study involved 48 children, 16 each
aged 3–3.5 years, 4–4.5 years, and 5–5.5 years. The research was conducted
in a Ljubljana kindergarten for children whose parents agreed to the chil-
dren‘s participation in the research. Of all the transitions between repre-
sentations, it was the most difficult for the children to move from a concre-
te to a symbolic representation, the easiest was to move from a graphic to
a concrete representation. The transition between representations has been
shown to be an effective indicator of a child’s understanding of the concept
of number.
Keywords: numbers, counting, representation, transition between repre-
sentations, preschool children
li s sodelovanjem otrok v raziskavi. Od vseh prehodov med reprezentacija-
mi je bilo otrokom najtežje prehajati iz konkretne v simbolno reprezentaci-
jo, najlažje je bilo prehajati iz grafične v konkretno reprezentacijo. Izkazalo
se je, da je prehajanje med reprezentacijami učinkovit pokazatelj otrokove-
ga razumevanja pojma število.
Ključne besede: števila, štetje, reprezentacija, prehajanje med reprezentaci-
jami, predšolski otroci
Transition between number representations
as an indicator of understanding the concept of numbers
in preschool children
The research work deals with the understanding of the concept of number
in 3-5-year-old children. Theoretical knowledge includes starting points on
counting, representation of numbers and on the child‘s mastery of the con-
cept of number. The empirical part presents the results of checking the abi-
lity to count in 3-5-year-old children and comparing it with the ability to
switch between representations. The research problem addresses whether
children who count well also transition well between representations (con-
crete, graphic, symbolic, and linguistic). Survey data are collected through
a structured interview of children. The study involved 48 children, 16 each
aged 3–3.5 years, 4–4.5 years, and 5–5.5 years. The research was conducted
in a Ljubljana kindergarten for children whose parents agreed to the chil-
dren‘s participation in the research. Of all the transitions between repre-
sentations, it was the most difficult for the children to move from a concre-
te to a symbolic representation, the easiest was to move from a graphic to
a concrete representation. The transition between representations has been
shown to be an effective indicator of a child’s understanding of the concept
of number.
Keywords: numbers, counting, representation, transition between repre-
sentations, preschool children