Page 369 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: medsebojni vplivi raziskovanja in prakse. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2021. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 369
povzetki ■ summaries
tivno in kvantitativno neeksperimentalno metodo pedagoškega raziskova-
nja. Pregledali smo 739 video razlag, pri čemer smo se pri vsebinski analizi
omejili le na biološke in matematične vsebine. Tako smo pri vsebinski ana-
lizi pregledali 532 video razlag. Z deskriptivno in inferenčno statistiko smo
odgovorili na vprašanje sledenja spoznanjem iz (zelo redke) pregledane li-
terature. Rezultati kažejo, da video razlage na sledijo smer-
nicam izdelave učinkovitih konceptualnih video posnetkov. Nadgradnje
pa so možne tako s tehničnega (npr. dolžina, struktura, uporabljena orod-
ja) kot s pedagoškega vidika (npr. vključevanje sodelovalnega učenja). Na
osnovi pridobljenih rezultatov menimo, da je model učinko-
vit tudi v situaciji, ko je le del populacije učencev in dijakov vključen v iz-
obraževanje na daljavo.
Ključne besede: odprti izobraževalni viri, krizno poučevanje na daljavo,
obrnjena učilnica na daljavo, profesionalna skupnost, prostovoljno gibanje.
Video lectures at
In the COVID -19, the reverse learning with prepared videos is used. The
purpose of the presented research is to determine the characteristics of the
video explanations on the portal and to verify to what ex-
tent the explanations follow the theoretical guidelines. In this paper, we
focus on the video explanations produced and shared by teachers and by
students, the future teachers. Paper provides guidelines to create effective
video explanations based on a review of the literature and the experience
gathered by the international community during COVID -19. We reviewed
739 video explanations, with biology and math (532 video explanations) be-
ing the only ones analysed in the qualitative section using content anal-
ysis. We used descriptive and inferential statistics to answer the question
of compliance with research results found in the (very sparse) literature.
The results show that the video explanations on follow the
guidelines for creating effective conceptual educational videos. Upgrades
are possible both from a technical (e.g. length, structure, tools used) and
pedagogical point of view (e.g. collaborative learning). Based on the results
obtained, we conjecture that the model is useful even in a sit-
uation where only part of the student population participates in distance
Keywords: open educational resources, emergency remote teaching, cyber
flipped learning, professional community, voluntary movement.
tivno in kvantitativno neeksperimentalno metodo pedagoškega raziskova-
nja. Pregledali smo 739 video razlag, pri čemer smo se pri vsebinski analizi
omejili le na biološke in matematične vsebine. Tako smo pri vsebinski ana-
lizi pregledali 532 video razlag. Z deskriptivno in inferenčno statistiko smo
odgovorili na vprašanje sledenja spoznanjem iz (zelo redke) pregledane li-
terature. Rezultati kažejo, da video razlage na sledijo smer-
nicam izdelave učinkovitih konceptualnih video posnetkov. Nadgradnje
pa so možne tako s tehničnega (npr. dolžina, struktura, uporabljena orod-
ja) kot s pedagoškega vidika (npr. vključevanje sodelovalnega učenja). Na
osnovi pridobljenih rezultatov menimo, da je model učinko-
vit tudi v situaciji, ko je le del populacije učencev in dijakov vključen v iz-
obraževanje na daljavo.
Ključne besede: odprti izobraževalni viri, krizno poučevanje na daljavo,
obrnjena učilnica na daljavo, profesionalna skupnost, prostovoljno gibanje.
Video lectures at
In the COVID -19, the reverse learning with prepared videos is used. The
purpose of the presented research is to determine the characteristics of the
video explanations on the portal and to verify to what ex-
tent the explanations follow the theoretical guidelines. In this paper, we
focus on the video explanations produced and shared by teachers and by
students, the future teachers. Paper provides guidelines to create effective
video explanations based on a review of the literature and the experience
gathered by the international community during COVID -19. We reviewed
739 video explanations, with biology and math (532 video explanations) be-
ing the only ones analysed in the qualitative section using content anal-
ysis. We used descriptive and inferential statistics to answer the question
of compliance with research results found in the (very sparse) literature.
The results show that the video explanations on follow the
guidelines for creating effective conceptual educational videos. Upgrades
are possible both from a technical (e.g. length, structure, tools used) and
pedagogical point of view (e.g. collaborative learning). Based on the results
obtained, we conjecture that the model is useful even in a sit-
uation where only part of the student population participates in distance
Keywords: open educational resources, emergency remote teaching, cyber
flipped learning, professional community, voluntary movement.