Page 374 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: medsebojni vplivi raziskovanja in prakse. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2021. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 374
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju: medsebojni vpliv r aziskovanja in pr akse
mat for planning, designing and implementing different programs, mod-
ules or curricula. Within the INOVUP project, the multipliers of the Uni-
versity of Maribor got acquainted with this effective and creative method
for planning learning and teaching, developed at University College Lon-
don, and presented it to both the lecturers at university as well as tested it
with primary school teachers.
Using pre-printed flashcards, the workgroup creates a visual storyboard
in ninety-minutes that outlines the types and sequence of activities need-
ed to achieve the goal. The ABC method visualizes the experience a student
will have with the learning unit and thus gives an insight into the real im-
plementation (structure and sequence) of the learning unit and its possi-
ble weaknesses. These are immediately discussed in the working group and
improvements are sought.
The multiplier transfer of foreign practise into the Slovenian curriculum
system was well received by both university lecturers and primary school
teachers, both of whom assessed the ABC method as a very useful mod-
el. All primary school teachers that were involved in the implementation
of the ABS workshop gave the highest marks to the usefulness, systematic-
ness, transparency, clarity and structure of the ABC learning approach. In
particular, they highlighted the positive and creative discussion collabora-
tion and communication, as well as a broad insight into planning and de-
signing lessons in the Natural Sciences subjects.
Keywords: teachers education, planning in teaching, ABC learning design,
designig learning strategies
Jasmina Bunšek
Prehajanje med reprezentacijami števil kot pokazatelj
razumevanja pojma števil pri predšolskih otrocih
Raziskovalno delo obravnava razumevanje pojma števila pri 3–5-letnih
otrocih. Teoretična spoznanja vključujejo izhodišča o štetju, reprezentaci-
ji števil ter o otrokovem osvajanju pojma števila. Empirični del predstavlja
rezultate preverjanja sposobnosti štetja pri 3-5-letnih otrocih in primer-
javo le-te s sposobnostmi prehajanja med reprezentacijami. Raziskovalni
problem obravnava, ali otroci, ki dobro štejejo, tudi dobro prehajajo med
reprezentacijami (konkretno, grafično, simbolno in jezikovno). Podatki
raziskave so zbrani s strukturiranim intervjujem otrok. V raziskavi je so-
delovalo 48 otrok, po 16 v starosti 3–3,5 let, 4–4,5 let in 5–5,5 let. Raziskava
je bila opravljena ljubljanskem vrtcu, pri otrocih, katerih starši so soglaša-
mat for planning, designing and implementing different programs, mod-
ules or curricula. Within the INOVUP project, the multipliers of the Uni-
versity of Maribor got acquainted with this effective and creative method
for planning learning and teaching, developed at University College Lon-
don, and presented it to both the lecturers at university as well as tested it
with primary school teachers.
Using pre-printed flashcards, the workgroup creates a visual storyboard
in ninety-minutes that outlines the types and sequence of activities need-
ed to achieve the goal. The ABC method visualizes the experience a student
will have with the learning unit and thus gives an insight into the real im-
plementation (structure and sequence) of the learning unit and its possi-
ble weaknesses. These are immediately discussed in the working group and
improvements are sought.
The multiplier transfer of foreign practise into the Slovenian curriculum
system was well received by both university lecturers and primary school
teachers, both of whom assessed the ABC method as a very useful mod-
el. All primary school teachers that were involved in the implementation
of the ABS workshop gave the highest marks to the usefulness, systematic-
ness, transparency, clarity and structure of the ABC learning approach. In
particular, they highlighted the positive and creative discussion collabora-
tion and communication, as well as a broad insight into planning and de-
signing lessons in the Natural Sciences subjects.
Keywords: teachers education, planning in teaching, ABC learning design,
designig learning strategies
Jasmina Bunšek
Prehajanje med reprezentacijami števil kot pokazatelj
razumevanja pojma števil pri predšolskih otrocih
Raziskovalno delo obravnava razumevanje pojma števila pri 3–5-letnih
otrocih. Teoretična spoznanja vključujejo izhodišča o štetju, reprezentaci-
ji števil ter o otrokovem osvajanju pojma števila. Empirični del predstavlja
rezultate preverjanja sposobnosti štetja pri 3-5-letnih otrocih in primer-
javo le-te s sposobnostmi prehajanja med reprezentacijami. Raziskovalni
problem obravnava, ali otroci, ki dobro štejejo, tudi dobro prehajajo med
reprezentacijami (konkretno, grafično, simbolno in jezikovno). Podatki
raziskave so zbrani s strukturiranim intervjujem otrok. V raziskavi je so-
delovalo 48 otrok, po 16 v starosti 3–3,5 let, 4–4,5 let in 5–5,5 let. Raziskava
je bila opravljena ljubljanskem vrtcu, pri otrocih, katerih starši so soglaša-