Page 348 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: medsebojni vplivi raziskovanja in prakse. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2021. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 348
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju: medsebojni vpliv r aziskovanja in pr akse

izbora učbenikov prepoznani naslednji kriteriji: vpliv sodelavcev, videz uč-
benika in uporabnost priloženega priročnika. Rezultati torej kažejo, da an-
ketirani učitelji na vseh stopnjah izobraževanja izbirajo učbenike predvsem
zaradi njihove vsebine.
Ključne besede: učbenik, izbira, osnovna šola, srednja šola, učitelj

What determines the teacher’s choice of a textbook?
In this paper, we present a part of the research work carried out within the
project Improving the Quality of Slovene Textbooks (KaUč). The main ob-
jective of the project is to develop quality indicators for textbooks that can
be applied in the validation and evaluation process. The textbook as the ba-
sic textbook that students use every day (Ivanuš Grmek, 2003; Mullis, Mar-
tin, Foy & Arora, 2012) is considered to play a crucial role in the teaching
of school subjects (Skela, 2008). Teachers are autonomous in their choice
of textbooks. The aim of the part of the research presented in this paper
was to determine the factors on the basis of which teachers choose text-
books. The research sample includes primary school teachers participating
in the KaUč project. The results showed that most classroom teachers use
a textbook selected under the influence of peers or based on content. Oth-
er important factors when choosing a textbook for primary school teach-
ers are the influence of the headteacher or professionals, the usefulness of
the accompanying handbook and the price of the textbook. Subject teach-
ers usually choose a textbook on the basis of its content. Other factors are
less important for them when choosing a textbook, as less than half of them
indicate the influence of the textbook’s appearance, the influence of their
colleagues and the usefulness of the attached handbook. As with subject
teachers, most secondary school teachers chose the textbook mainly be-
cause of its content. The following criteria were identified as important fac-
tors in the selection of textbooks for secondary school teachers: the influ-
ence of colleagues, the appearance of the textbook and the usefulness of
the attached handbook. The results, therefore, show that the participating
teachers at all levels of education select textbooks mainly because of their
Keywords: Textbook, Choice, Primary School, Secondary School, Teacher

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