Page 352 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: medsebojni vplivi raziskovanja in prakse. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2021. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 352
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju: medsebojni vpliv r aziskovanja in pr akse

or knowledge of reading. It also draws attention to the significantly lower
literacy ability of immigrant pupils and pupils with a weak socioeconomic
status. The results show that the used instruments enable the identification
of pupils‘ prior knowledge in the field of reading and help the teacher to di-
fferentiate and individualize in systematic literacy.
Keywords: reading, reading technique, 1st grade, phonological awareness,
socioeconomic status

Valerija Vendramin
»Kako smo postali posthumani?«: o človeku, tehnologiji
in izobraževanju
Izhodišče je definicija posthumanizma kot kritične teorije v humanistiki
in družboslovju, ki prevprašuje razmerja med akterji v t. i. kibernetičnem
trikotniku človek/žival/stroj (oz. tehnologija). V tem smislu posthumani-
stična misel zahteva tudi rekonfiguracijo vednosti (kar je epistemološko
vprašanje). Preko konceptualizacije posthumanizma avtorica reflektira
razmerje med tehnologijo in šolo ter razumevanje vpliva in rabe digitalne
tehnologije. Ali ta res omogoča, da je izobraževanje »boljše« (učinkovitejše,
bolj na voljo ipd.)? Kakšne spremembe se s tem dogajajo v šoli? Te, kot kaže,
niso utemeljene le izobraževalno, pač pa tudi ekonomsko. Prispevek se de-
loma naveže tudi na obstoječe razmere (epidemija COVID-19).
Ključne besede: posthumanizem, izobraževanje, vednost, kibernetični tri-
kotnik, tehnologija
»How We Became Posthuman«: on Human, Technology
and Education
The starting point is a definition of posthumanism as a critical theory in
humanities and social sciences that studies the relations among actors in
the so called cybernetic triangle human/animal/machine (or technolo-
gy). That is why posthumanist thought requires reconfiguration of knowl-
edge (which is an epistemological issue). Through the conceptualization of
posthumanism the author reflects on the relation between technology and
school and on the understanding of the influence and use of digital tech-
nology. Does the latter really enables the education to be “better” (more ef-
fective, more available)? What kinds of changes happen in schools in this
regard? The changes, as it seems, are not educationally-based, but are eco-
nomically induced too. The contribution in part relates also to the present
state of epidemics of COVID-19.

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