Page 350 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: medsebojni vplivi raziskovanja in prakse. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2021. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 350
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju: medsebojni vpliv r aziskovanja in pr akse

of all individuals. The aim of our study was to explore the training needs
of primary and secondary school principals in the field of inclusive educa-
tion and thus provide a background for the further development of profes-
sional development programs that could support these specific needs. 107
principals from Slovenian primary and secondary schools participated in
the research. They completed a newly developed questionnaire, which cov-
ered four content areas (preliminary professional training, characteristics
of training with the greatest contribution to school leadership, perceived
training needs in areas related to creating an inclusive school culture and
demographic data). Our findings show that there are no significant differ-
ences between the responses of secondary and primary school principals
in the reporting of prior professional training and in the average needs ex-
pressed across all areas of creating an inclusive school climate. Despite the
fact that most principals have already participated in professional devel-
opment programmes in this field, they express a high need for addition-
al knowledge across all areas. As the most urgent topics, principals high-
light the preparation of school staff to respond appropriately to student
diversity, the development and implementation of clear rules for staff, and
the encouragement of teachers’ inclusive teaching practices. Principals ex-
press the lowest need for training in developing awareness of their own
(non)inclusive practices and beliefs about diversity and inclusion and rais-
ing awareness of others about them. They also feel competent in creating a
non-discriminatory physical environment. The results of the study could
serve as a basis for the preparation of professional development training
based on real situations and perceived needs.
Keywords: principals´ professional development, inclusive school culture,
perceived needs, training

Marija Ropič Kop, Saša Klar Zadravec
Zmožnost učencev v branju besed v začetku 1. razreda
Za boljše razumevanje individualnih razlik v predznanju na področju bra-
nja na začetku 1. razreda med učenci je potrebno spomniti na nekatere de-
javnike, ki vplivajo na predbralne in bralne zmožnosti v predšolskem ob-
dobju. Zadnja leta beležimo v Sloveniji priseljevanje ljudi, tudi družin s
predšolskimi ali šoloobveznimi otroki. Ob tem zaznavamo tudi šibek soci-
alno-ekonomski status družin, kar pa manj ugodno vpliva na začetno opi-
smenjevanje. V večjih mestih so osnovne šole z večjim številom priseljenih
učencev. Ti učenci imajo slabše znanje jezika, v katerem se šolajo. Prav tako

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