Page 381 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidiki vzgoje in izobraževanja. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2020. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 381
povzetki ■ summaries

vami upravljanja s časom in koordiniranja skupine, osnovami, kako zače-
ti začetek poslovanje, pa tudi z odločanjem in razumevanjem načina po-
slovanja. Razvili so veščine nasotpanja, veščine sodelovanja, samozavest,
komunikacijo in tekmovalni duh. Opažamo, da se je spremenil tudi odnos
študentov do ustanavljanja podjetja. Učitelji so se s temi izjavami strinjali.
Glede na vse navedeno predlagamo nekatera priporočila v zvezi z organizi-
ranjem in vodenjem mini podjetij, ki so prepoznane kot dober model pod-
jetniškega učenja v srednjih šolah.
Ključne besede: Dijaška – podjetja, razvoj, podjetništvo, veščine, motiva-

Mini – companies as an essential part of a lifelong learning
program for high school students
Mini – companies are an extracurricular program of Junior Achievement
(JA) Worldwide and Junior Achievement Europe and the world‘s largest en-
trepreneurship education program. In Serbia, the program has been imple-
mented in 2006. This way, students have the opportunity to learn through
theoretical and practical lessons, mentorship program, as well as through
a number of fairs and competitions. In our research we wanted to exam-
ine the influence of the JA program “students’ mini - company” in Serbia.
Thus, the development of those skills is guidance for the future business
and management capabilities of these students, and their competitivness at
the labor market.
The target group were students and graduated students who have attended
the program. Additional information source, were informations received
from the questionnaire in which participated high school teachers in Ser-
bia, who were the mentors of students’ companies.
The results after extensive analysis confirm that there is a direct connec-
tion between running students’ companies and the major development of
soft skills and business knowledge of young people. The students estimat-
ed that they’ve upgraded and improved their skills of writing a business
plan/report, met with the basics of time and team management, the basics
how to initiate start-up business, as well as making decisions and the un-
derstanding of the way how bussiness operate. They develop the present-
ing skills, cooperative skills, self-confidence, communication and competi-
tive spirit. It is noticed the students’ attitude towards initiate a business has
changed as well. The teachers agreed with those statements. Considering all
mentioned, we propose some recomendations due to organizing and lead-

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