Page 385 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidiki vzgoje in izobraževanja. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2020. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 385
povzetki ■ summaries
arch including semi-structured interviews with lecturers, evaluation re-
ports of university students, and document analyses. Leask‘s conceptual
framework of internationalisation of the curriculum has been applied to
assess the strengths, weaknesses and challenges of the given university co-
urse (Leask, 2015).
Keywords: internationalisation at home, internationalisation of the curri-
culum, intercultural dimension, Hungary, innovative approaches
Ana Gorše
Bralni test v 3. razredu na OŠ Loka Črnomelj
Branje ima v procesu šolanja pomembno vlogo in dobro razvita bralna
zmožnost učenca je eden ključnih dejavnikov njegove učne uspešnosti. V 1.
triletju osnovne šole poteka intenzivni razvoj temeljnih bralnih zmožnos-
ti, pri čemer je cilj bralnega pouka razviti avtomatizirano tehniko branja in
pisanja ob ustreznem bralnem razumevanju.
Namen mojega prispevka je predstaviti 5-letno izkušnjo izvajanja Bralne-
ga testa na Osnovni šoli Loka Črnomelj. Ugotovila sem, da rezultati bral-
nega testa hitro pokažejo, kateri učenci ob koncu tretjega razreda osnovne
šole še niso v zadostni meri razvili tehnike branja in bralnega razumeva-
nja. To jih uvršča v skupino učencev, ki potrebujejo dodatno diagnostiko
oz. obravnavo. S predstavitvijo primera želim spodbuditi čim več učiteljev,
svetovalnih delavcev k uporabi testa, zato se v nadaljevanju osredotočam
na praktične napotke pri izvedbi testa. Dodala sem možne izboljšave pri iz-
vedbi testiranja.
Ključne besede: bralni tekst, bralna zmožnost, učna uspešnost, tehnika
branj a
A reading test in the 3rd grade at Loka Črnomelj
Elementary School
Reading has an important role in the process of education and a well-de-
veloped reading ability is one of the key factors of their learning success.
In the first three years of primary school an intensive development of basic
reading abilities takes place. In this period the goal of reading classes is to
develop an automated reading and writing technique with and appropriate
reading comprehension.
The purpose of my article is to present a five-year experience of carrying
out a reading test at the primary school Loka Črnomelj. I figured out that
the results of the reading test provide fast results of which students have not
properly developed the reading and reading comprehension techniques by
arch including semi-structured interviews with lecturers, evaluation re-
ports of university students, and document analyses. Leask‘s conceptual
framework of internationalisation of the curriculum has been applied to
assess the strengths, weaknesses and challenges of the given university co-
urse (Leask, 2015).
Keywords: internationalisation at home, internationalisation of the curri-
culum, intercultural dimension, Hungary, innovative approaches
Ana Gorše
Bralni test v 3. razredu na OŠ Loka Črnomelj
Branje ima v procesu šolanja pomembno vlogo in dobro razvita bralna
zmožnost učenca je eden ključnih dejavnikov njegove učne uspešnosti. V 1.
triletju osnovne šole poteka intenzivni razvoj temeljnih bralnih zmožnos-
ti, pri čemer je cilj bralnega pouka razviti avtomatizirano tehniko branja in
pisanja ob ustreznem bralnem razumevanju.
Namen mojega prispevka je predstaviti 5-letno izkušnjo izvajanja Bralne-
ga testa na Osnovni šoli Loka Črnomelj. Ugotovila sem, da rezultati bral-
nega testa hitro pokažejo, kateri učenci ob koncu tretjega razreda osnovne
šole še niso v zadostni meri razvili tehnike branja in bralnega razumeva-
nja. To jih uvršča v skupino učencev, ki potrebujejo dodatno diagnostiko
oz. obravnavo. S predstavitvijo primera želim spodbuditi čim več učiteljev,
svetovalnih delavcev k uporabi testa, zato se v nadaljevanju osredotočam
na praktične napotke pri izvedbi testa. Dodala sem možne izboljšave pri iz-
vedbi testiranja.
Ključne besede: bralni tekst, bralna zmožnost, učna uspešnost, tehnika
branj a
A reading test in the 3rd grade at Loka Črnomelj
Elementary School
Reading has an important role in the process of education and a well-de-
veloped reading ability is one of the key factors of their learning success.
In the first three years of primary school an intensive development of basic
reading abilities takes place. In this period the goal of reading classes is to
develop an automated reading and writing technique with and appropriate
reading comprehension.
The purpose of my article is to present a five-year experience of carrying
out a reading test at the primary school Loka Črnomelj. I figured out that
the results of the reading test provide fast results of which students have not
properly developed the reading and reading comprehension techniques by