Page 376 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidiki vzgoje in izobraževanja. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2020. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 376
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju: mednarodni vidki vzgoje in izobr aževanja
Speech Interaction During Class: Impact of Students‘
The article presents study findings, which wanted to determine the differ-
ences in students‘ knowledge in regard to the level of speech participation.
It would be expected that the students with higher grades are more active
co-creators of the learning process. A study sampled 58 students from 5th
and 8th grade of primary school and 2nd grade of high school in order to
determine how this reflects in school. The speech participation was meas-
ured with the 10 category Flanders analysis of the class interaction. Eight
hours of classes were observed for each grade. The F-9 category: Independ-
ent statements was used to derive the speech participation variable. The
number of occurrences of F-9 was converted on the ordinal level, which
gave us a 3-level variable (low, medium, high).
The results show that the speech participation level is higher for grades 3
and lower for 5.
This is unexpected, since it was anticipated that students with better (fore)
knowledge more easily participate in class and communicate with the
Keywords: democracy, student participation, knowledge, Flanders analysis
of class interaction, children‘s rights
Natalija Budinski
Matematično modeliranje v osnovni šoli
– napredne teme na osnovnošolski ravni
V tem prispevku opisujemo, kako lahko v osnovni šoli uporabimo mate-
matično modeliranje, da bi učence mlajših let naučili naprednih konceptov,
kot so funkcije. Uporabili smo primere iz resničnega sveta, da smo prikaza-
li koncept delovanja funkcij in njihove odvisnosti od spremenljivk.
Ključne besede: matematično modeliranje, funkcija, osnovna šola
Mathematical modeling in primary schools
- advanced topics at elementary level
In this paper we describe how can mathematical modeling be applied in the
primary school in order to teach students of young age advanced concepts
such as functions. We have used the real-world situation of population in
order to highlight concept of function and dependence of variables.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, function, primary school
Speech Interaction During Class: Impact of Students‘
The article presents study findings, which wanted to determine the differ-
ences in students‘ knowledge in regard to the level of speech participation.
It would be expected that the students with higher grades are more active
co-creators of the learning process. A study sampled 58 students from 5th
and 8th grade of primary school and 2nd grade of high school in order to
determine how this reflects in school. The speech participation was meas-
ured with the 10 category Flanders analysis of the class interaction. Eight
hours of classes were observed for each grade. The F-9 category: Independ-
ent statements was used to derive the speech participation variable. The
number of occurrences of F-9 was converted on the ordinal level, which
gave us a 3-level variable (low, medium, high).
The results show that the speech participation level is higher for grades 3
and lower for 5.
This is unexpected, since it was anticipated that students with better (fore)
knowledge more easily participate in class and communicate with the
Keywords: democracy, student participation, knowledge, Flanders analysis
of class interaction, children‘s rights
Natalija Budinski
Matematično modeliranje v osnovni šoli
– napredne teme na osnovnošolski ravni
V tem prispevku opisujemo, kako lahko v osnovni šoli uporabimo mate-
matično modeliranje, da bi učence mlajših let naučili naprednih konceptov,
kot so funkcije. Uporabili smo primere iz resničnega sveta, da smo prikaza-
li koncept delovanja funkcij in njihove odvisnosti od spremenljivk.
Ključne besede: matematično modeliranje, funkcija, osnovna šola
Mathematical modeling in primary schools
- advanced topics at elementary level
In this paper we describe how can mathematical modeling be applied in the
primary school in order to teach students of young age advanced concepts
such as functions. We have used the real-world situation of population in
order to highlight concept of function and dependence of variables.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, function, primary school