Page 378 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidiki vzgoje in izobraževanja. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2020. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 378
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju: mednarodni vidki vzgoje in izobr aževanja

nately given characteristics of a learner. Following the fact, various meth-
ods are designed to respond to the challenges of learning a foreign lan-
guage, this paper proposes a teacher’s goal to overcome the negative impact
of communication apprehension. This research paper is based on teachers’
work in Sanjak region. Teachers worked with second and fourth year stu-
dents from vocational high school for a year and identified the challenges
of establishing communication in English while teaching. The participants
were asked whether they experienced second language speaking anxiety.
The study involved qualitative data from the interview data. The research
paper presents more successful methods chosen by students in order to
overcome learning difficulties while communicating. Based on corpus of
100 students included in the research, the crucial methods for improve-
ment of communication skills were compared to theoretical background
previously studied. The results indicated support for a conceptualization
of foreign language anxiety and the questionnaire was found to be relia-
ble and valid. A significant negative relationship was found between for-
eign language speaking anxiety and oral performance. The major stress-
or identified by the participants was interacting in front of the peers. The
study also provided anxiety is clearly an issue in language learning and has
a debilitating effect on speaking English for some students. So it is impor-
tant that teachers are sensitive to classroom interactions and provide help
to minimize second language anxiety. Eventually, there is a need for em-
pirical evidence considering how effective anxiety reducing techniques and
methods are in foreign language learning.
Keywords: anxiety, Sanjak, methodics, teaching methods, foreign language


Andreja Lenc
Trajnost projektnih rezultatov je ključ do učinka EU
Učinek oz. sprememba delovanja posameznika ali organizacije je ključen
indikator uspeha EU projektov. Diseminacija in trajnost projektnih re-
zultatov sta elementa, ki pomembno vplivata na to. Projekti morajo biti v
fazi načrtovanja dobro premišljeni, umeščeni v razpis in potrebe okolja, da
bodo prinesli rešitve, ki jih izobraževalno okolje potrebuje in jih bo tudi
koristilo. Glavna parametra načrtovanja sta kakovostna analiza potreb in

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