Page 371 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidiki vzgoje in izobraževanja. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2020. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 371
povzetki ■ summaries

Skinner, Wellbron in Connell, 1992) in vprašalnik, povzet iz raziskave PISA
2015 (OECD, 2017). Za dejavnike na ravni čustvenih in socialnih kompetenc
smo uporabili Vprašalnik samoopisovanja (SDQ II, Marsh, 1992) za merje-
nje samopodobe, Indeks medosebne reaktivnosti (IRI; Davis, 1980) za mer-
jenje empatije in Kentuckyjevo lestvica čuječnosti (Baer, Smith in Allen,
2004) za merjenje samozavedanja. Kot statistično značilen pozitiven napo-
vednik viktimizacije so se v vseh državah pokazali negativni odnosi z uči-
telji, na Hrvaškem in v Sloveniji pa so bili statistično značilen negativni na-
povednik viktimizacije tudi pozitivni odnosi z vrstniki. Ugotovitve kažejo
na pomembno vlogo neugodnih odnosov med učenci in učitelji pri doži-
vljanju nasilja med učenci v treh različnih državah Evropske unije, pri če-
mer je treba poudariti tudi vlogo odnosov med učenci. Kjer so bili odnosi
med učenci boljši, je bilo namreč manj viktimizacije.
Ključne besede: viktimizacija, čustvene in socialne kompetence, odnosi z
vrstniki, odnosi z učitelji, primerjava med državami

Factors of experiencing bullying among adolescents from
Slovenia, Croatia and Sweden
Experiencing bullying has short- and long-term consequences for students,
thus identifying the factors that influence the incidence of victimization
and helping to establish effective interventions is crucial. The purpose of
the paper was to determine the predictive value of factors at the level of
peer relations, relations with teachers and at the individual level (social
and emotional competences) in three different countries: Slovenia, Croa-
tia and Sweden, and to compare these countries with each other. A pilot
study of the Hand in Hand project: Social and emotional skills for tolerant
and non-discriminative societies (Kozina et al., 2017) included 123 students
from Slovenia, 82 students from Croatia and 75 students from Sweden, aged
between 13 and 15 years. On the peer relations level, Olweus bully/victim
questionnaire (OBVQ; Olweus, 1997; victimization scale) was used to meas-
ure victimization; Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ, Good-
man, 1997) was applied for measuring positive peer relations, conduct prob-
lems, and prosocial behaviour. On the teacher-student relationship level,
the Teacher as a Social Context scale (TASC, Belmont, Skinner, Wellbron,
& Connell, 1992) and a questionnaire was taken from the PISA 2015 (OECD,
2017) survey were used. To measure emotional and social competencies,
Self-Description Questionnaire (SDQ II; Marsh, 1992) was used to measure
self-concept, Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI; Davis, 1980) was used to
measure empathy and Kentucky Mindfulness Scale (Baer, S​​ mith, & Allen,

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