Page 251 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2019. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 37
P. 251

znega visokošolskega učitelja za mednarodno mobilnost, spodbud s strani
institucij ter priznavanja.
Ključne besede: mednarodna mobilnost, Erasmus+, akademsko osebje,
profesionalni razvoj, učinki

Contribution of ERASMUS + mobility for teaching
purposes to the professional development of higher
education teachers
While student mobility is clearly underlined in institutional and national
strategies and interests, the mobility of academic staff is much less strate-
gically addressed, but become more and more important through interna-
tionalization (de Wit et al., 2015). International exchanges aimed to teach-
ing and research in most cases last only a few days or weeks and therefore
do not have a long-term impact on institutions and are rarely also recog-
nized for the purpose of career development (Racké, 2013). The strategic ap-
proach to academic mobility brings the benefits of promoting the quality of
teaching and research as well as general professional development (Coluc-
ci et al., 2014). Staff with an international experience is an added value for
teaching with new methods of work, varied examples and is important es-
pecially in countries where there is little internationalization in academic
employment due to regulatory or other constraints (ibid.).
The paper presents the results of an analysis of the staff mobility reports
for teaching purposes under the Erasmus + program. It presents to what
elements of their professional development, according to the participating
academic staff, their mobility was the most influential, and what kind of
contribution it was, in their opinion, on their home institution and to the
foreign institution they were visiting. The effects on professional develop-
ment will be presented in relation to the different forms of motivation of an
individual higher education teacher for international mobility, incentives
from institutions and recognition.
Keywords: international mobility, Erasmus +, academic staff, professional
development, impact

Nikoletta Gulya
Kurikularne možnosti za poučevanje o posebnih potrebah
v madžarskem javnem šolstvu
Pomembna naloga inkluzivnih izobraževalnih programov je ustvarjanje in
uvajanje kurikula, ki bi šolajoče se celovito in nepristransko seznanjal z
življenjem ljudi z ovirami. Vključevanje omenjenih vsebin v učne načrte

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