Page 249 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2019. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 37
P. 249
ceptional women”, reintroduced by postfeminist narration of neoliberal-
ism (R. Braidotti), where the stress is put on the individual value of women,
no matter what their values or, say, politics. As it seems, the move towards
feminism has become a part of media discourses, not in the sense that they
are feminist, but in the sense that they have emptied feminism of its radi-
cal forces and are selling it back to us as a life or consumer style (R. Gill).
The accent is on personal battles and the independence of women, not on
collective efforts or on the issue of individualization of social problems etc.
The author then touches upon the question of presentation of feminism in
primary schools and asks what kind of representations of feminism there
are in selected curricula and what is available to those that seek further in-
formation – beyond media representation and celebrity feminism.
Keywords: feminism, postfeminism, media representation, consumerism,
Janja Žmavc
Retoričnost učiteljeve avtoritete
V prispevku raziskujemo stične točke med učiteljevo avtoriteto in retori-
ko kot posebno obliko jezikovne rabe v pedagoškem procesu. Izhajajoč iz
odnosnega pojmovanja avtoritete izpostavljamo njeno retorično naravo in
opozarjamo na nujnost zavedanja o tesni povezanosti med retoriko kot veš-
čino javnega prepričevanja in uspešnostjo vzpostavljanja in ohranjanja av-
toritetnega odnosa v pedagoškem procesu. Na podlagi splošne konceptu-
alizacije retorike, ki proces prepričevanja opredeljuje kot vzajemen odnos
med govorcem in poslušalci, predstavljamo predlog sheme retorične kon-
strukcije pedagoške avtoritete, ki temelji na razumevanju avtoritete kot
kompleksnega procesa, ki se vzpostavlja v interakciji učitelja z učenci in ga
sestavljajo trije elementi: kako učinkovito zna v govoru in z govorom učitelj
prikazati lastno verodostojno podobo (ethos), kako uspešno se odziva na
čustvena stanja svojih učencev (pathos) ter kako jasno ter trdno utemeljuje
svoja stališča in kako utemeljeno presoja stališča drugih (logos).
Ključne besede: avtoriteta, vzgoja in izobraževanje, retorika verodostojnost,
retorična sredstva prepričevanja
The rhetoric of the teacher's authority
In the article, we explore the points of contact between pedagogical author-
ity and rhetoric as a special form of language use in the pedagogical pro-
cess. Drawing on the relational conceptions of authority, we emphasize its
rhetorical nature and point out the need to be aware of the close connection
ceptional women”, reintroduced by postfeminist narration of neoliberal-
ism (R. Braidotti), where the stress is put on the individual value of women,
no matter what their values or, say, politics. As it seems, the move towards
feminism has become a part of media discourses, not in the sense that they
are feminist, but in the sense that they have emptied feminism of its radi-
cal forces and are selling it back to us as a life or consumer style (R. Gill).
The accent is on personal battles and the independence of women, not on
collective efforts or on the issue of individualization of social problems etc.
The author then touches upon the question of presentation of feminism in
primary schools and asks what kind of representations of feminism there
are in selected curricula and what is available to those that seek further in-
formation – beyond media representation and celebrity feminism.
Keywords: feminism, postfeminism, media representation, consumerism,
Janja Žmavc
Retoričnost učiteljeve avtoritete
V prispevku raziskujemo stične točke med učiteljevo avtoriteto in retori-
ko kot posebno obliko jezikovne rabe v pedagoškem procesu. Izhajajoč iz
odnosnega pojmovanja avtoritete izpostavljamo njeno retorično naravo in
opozarjamo na nujnost zavedanja o tesni povezanosti med retoriko kot veš-
čino javnega prepričevanja in uspešnostjo vzpostavljanja in ohranjanja av-
toritetnega odnosa v pedagoškem procesu. Na podlagi splošne konceptu-
alizacije retorike, ki proces prepričevanja opredeljuje kot vzajemen odnos
med govorcem in poslušalci, predstavljamo predlog sheme retorične kon-
strukcije pedagoške avtoritete, ki temelji na razumevanju avtoritete kot
kompleksnega procesa, ki se vzpostavlja v interakciji učitelja z učenci in ga
sestavljajo trije elementi: kako učinkovito zna v govoru in z govorom učitelj
prikazati lastno verodostojno podobo (ethos), kako uspešno se odziva na
čustvena stanja svojih učencev (pathos) ter kako jasno ter trdno utemeljuje
svoja stališča in kako utemeljeno presoja stališča drugih (logos).
Ključne besede: avtoriteta, vzgoja in izobraževanje, retorika verodostojnost,
retorična sredstva prepričevanja
The rhetoric of the teacher's authority
In the article, we explore the points of contact between pedagogical author-
ity and rhetoric as a special form of language use in the pedagogical pro-
cess. Drawing on the relational conceptions of authority, we emphasize its
rhetorical nature and point out the need to be aware of the close connection