Page 246 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2019. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 37
P. 246
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju
prečju višji srednješolski uspeh. Sklepati je mogoče, da postajajo kulturne
aktivnosti eden najpomembnejših dejavnikov šolske uspešnosti slovenskih
mladostnikov. Prispevek sklenemo s predlogi potencialnih ukrepov kul-
turne in izobraževalne politike, predvsem v smislu izboljšanja dostopnosti
in spodbujanja kulturne participacije, še posebej mladih iz socioekonom-
sko deprivilegiranih okolij.
Ključne besede: kulturna participacija, kulturni kapital, neenakosti v izo-
braževanju, šolska uspešnost, mladi
Determinants of cultural participation and its impact on
the school performance of young people in Slovenia
Past research has shown that the economic and cultural capital of the
family in general, and the cultural participation of youth, in particular,
play an important role in bettering school outcomes. The purpose of our
research was to analyse the determinants of cultural participation and to
compare its impact with other determinants of secondary school perfor-
mance, controlling for the relevant sociodemographic variables. We con-
ducted a multivariate analysis of nationally representative survey data for
Slovenian youth (Mladina 2010 study), where the target population were
permanent residents living in the Republic of Slovenia and between the
ages of 15 and 29 years. The results of regression analyses showed that 1)
women and young people with better educated fathers (but not moth-
ers) have higher academic achievement; 2) younger respondents, women,
young people with better educated mothers (but not fathers), and young
people from urban environments and with higher social capital are more
often involved in cultural activities; 3) controlling for other variables, cul-
tural participation is positively associated with secondary school success.
The results indicate that cultural activity is becoming one of the most im-
portant determinants of school performance among Slovenian youth. We
conclude our paper with some proposals for cultural and educational pol-
icy, including in terms of promoting and improving accessibility to cul-
tural participation, especially for young people from socioeconomically
disadvantaged backgrounds.
Keywords: cultural participation, cultural capital, education, school perfor-
mance, inequality, young people
prečju višji srednješolski uspeh. Sklepati je mogoče, da postajajo kulturne
aktivnosti eden najpomembnejših dejavnikov šolske uspešnosti slovenskih
mladostnikov. Prispevek sklenemo s predlogi potencialnih ukrepov kul-
turne in izobraževalne politike, predvsem v smislu izboljšanja dostopnosti
in spodbujanja kulturne participacije, še posebej mladih iz socioekonom-
sko deprivilegiranih okolij.
Ključne besede: kulturna participacija, kulturni kapital, neenakosti v izo-
braževanju, šolska uspešnost, mladi
Determinants of cultural participation and its impact on
the school performance of young people in Slovenia
Past research has shown that the economic and cultural capital of the
family in general, and the cultural participation of youth, in particular,
play an important role in bettering school outcomes. The purpose of our
research was to analyse the determinants of cultural participation and to
compare its impact with other determinants of secondary school perfor-
mance, controlling for the relevant sociodemographic variables. We con-
ducted a multivariate analysis of nationally representative survey data for
Slovenian youth (Mladina 2010 study), where the target population were
permanent residents living in the Republic of Slovenia and between the
ages of 15 and 29 years. The results of regression analyses showed that 1)
women and young people with better educated fathers (but not moth-
ers) have higher academic achievement; 2) younger respondents, women,
young people with better educated mothers (but not fathers), and young
people from urban environments and with higher social capital are more
often involved in cultural activities; 3) controlling for other variables, cul-
tural participation is positively associated with secondary school success.
The results indicate that cultural activity is becoming one of the most im-
portant determinants of school performance among Slovenian youth. We
conclude our paper with some proposals for cultural and educational pol-
icy, including in terms of promoting and improving accessibility to cul-
tural participation, especially for young people from socioeconomically
disadvantaged backgrounds.
Keywords: cultural participation, cultural capital, education, school perfor-
mance, inequality, young people