Page 253 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2019. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 37
P. 253
this analysis was the concept of the four basic models of disability. Findings
revealed that disability as curriculum content is presented in the HNCC,
but it appears in different proportions in the given curricular areas and ed-
ucation levels. Acceptance, respect for human rights and supporting peo-
ple with disabilities are important educational goals in HNCC. These edu-
cational goals are included in a number of cultural areas of the curriculum.
The results of examining the concept of the disability-related curriculum
content within the HNCC highlights that the HNCC lacks a consistent pic-
ture of disability. The conceptualization of the curriculum content demon-
strates the linear coexistence of different views of the four classical models
of disability. Therefore, we think that a much more coherent and consistent
approach to disability is required, presenting the concept of the social and
the human rights model.
Keywords: disability-related curriculum, Hungarian National Core Curric-
ulum, content, disability concept
Ivana Majcen, Katarina Pajer Povh
Internacionalizacija šole doma in v tujini ter zaznane ovire
pri implementaciji internacionalizacijskih aktivnosti
– primer OŠ Tončke Čeč
Danes je internacionalizacija v izobraževanju gonilo k spremembam, kon-
cept, ki mu šole sledijo, ga živijo in po katerem delajo. Pomeni tudi ustvar-
janje veščin, potrebnih v 21. stoletju (Van Eyken et al., 2005, v Slapšak in
Lenc, 2016). Internacionalizacija v vzgoji in izobraževanju se lahko razvija
v tujini ali kot internacionalizacija doma. Pojem internacionalizacija doma
se je razvil kot podpora kadru, ki se ne odloča za mobilnost in ostaja tako
eden od najpomembnejših elementov internacionalizacije (Knight, 2006,
v Slapšak in Lenc, 2016). V prispevku prikazujemo rezultate raziskave na
vzorcu kolektiva OŠ Tončke Čeč, kjer smo se spraševali o razlogih za nizko
udeležbo v aktivnostih internacionalizacije v tujini ter razmišljamo o mo-
žnih ukrepih za krepitev le-te.
Ključne besede: internacionalizacija, mobilnost v tujino, učitelji, profesio-
nalni razvoj, osnovna šola
this analysis was the concept of the four basic models of disability. Findings
revealed that disability as curriculum content is presented in the HNCC,
but it appears in different proportions in the given curricular areas and ed-
ucation levels. Acceptance, respect for human rights and supporting peo-
ple with disabilities are important educational goals in HNCC. These edu-
cational goals are included in a number of cultural areas of the curriculum.
The results of examining the concept of the disability-related curriculum
content within the HNCC highlights that the HNCC lacks a consistent pic-
ture of disability. The conceptualization of the curriculum content demon-
strates the linear coexistence of different views of the four classical models
of disability. Therefore, we think that a much more coherent and consistent
approach to disability is required, presenting the concept of the social and
the human rights model.
Keywords: disability-related curriculum, Hungarian National Core Curric-
ulum, content, disability concept
Ivana Majcen, Katarina Pajer Povh
Internacionalizacija šole doma in v tujini ter zaznane ovire
pri implementaciji internacionalizacijskih aktivnosti
– primer OŠ Tončke Čeč
Danes je internacionalizacija v izobraževanju gonilo k spremembam, kon-
cept, ki mu šole sledijo, ga živijo in po katerem delajo. Pomeni tudi ustvar-
janje veščin, potrebnih v 21. stoletju (Van Eyken et al., 2005, v Slapšak in
Lenc, 2016). Internacionalizacija v vzgoji in izobraževanju se lahko razvija
v tujini ali kot internacionalizacija doma. Pojem internacionalizacija doma
se je razvil kot podpora kadru, ki se ne odloča za mobilnost in ostaja tako
eden od najpomembnejših elementov internacionalizacije (Knight, 2006,
v Slapšak in Lenc, 2016). V prispevku prikazujemo rezultate raziskave na
vzorcu kolektiva OŠ Tončke Čeč, kjer smo se spraševali o razlogih za nizko
udeležbo v aktivnostih internacionalizacije v tujini ter razmišljamo o mo-
žnih ukrepih za krepitev le-te.
Ključne besede: internacionalizacija, mobilnost v tujino, učitelji, profesio-
nalni razvoj, osnovna šola