Page 245 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2019. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 37
P. 245
The effect of the selected activity of the teacher’s professional development
can thus be greater and more intense (Valenčič Zuljan, 2012).
The Erasmus+ program and international learning mobility projects offer
teachers various forms of expert development in cooperation with peers
from abroad. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the effects of such
expert development as perceived by teachers in the field of school educa-
tion. One third of teachers choose an educational visit abroad, which is
also the focus of our research. In order to carry out this activity, a great-
er involvement of the teacher in finding the adequate host school as well as
in preparing the content and training program is required as early as the
planning stage, which is all considered an excellent investment for collect-
ing results once the learning mobility has been completed.
Based on the analysis of the questionnaires for the learning mobility par-
ticipants and the analysis of (semi-)structured interviews conducted in the
form of project monitoring, we will present the differences between the ef-
fects of structured courses and educational visits at the workplace, as they
are perceived by the participants of professional training.
Keywords: Erasmus+ programme, professional development of teachers,
international activities, job shadowing, structured course
Andrej Kirbiš, Monika Lamot, Marina Tavčar Krajnc, Danijela Lahe,
Tina Cupar, Boris Vezjak, Marija Javornik Krečič
Dejavniki kulturne participacije in njen pomen za šolsko
uspešnost mladih v Sloveniji
Pretekle raziskave so pokazale, da ekonomski in kulturni kapital druži-
ne ter kulturna participacija mladostnikov bistveno prispevajo k njihovim
boljšim šolskim izidom. Namen naše raziskave je bil analizirati dejavnike
kulturne participacije ter primerjati njen učinek z drugimi dejavniki sre-
dnješolske uspešnosti, ob kontroli relevantnih spremenljivk. Izvedli smo
multivariatno analizo anketnih podatkov nacionalnega reprezentativnega
vzorca slovenske mladine iz raziskave Mladina 2010, kjer so ciljno popula-
cijo predstavljali prebivalci s stalnim prebivališčem v Republiki Sloveniji,
stari med 15 in 29 let. Rezultati regresijskih analiz so pokazali, da 1) imajo
dekleta in mladi bolj izobraženih očetov (ne pa tudi mater) v povprečju viš-
ji srednješolski uspeh; 2) v povprečju pogosteje kulturno participira mlaj-
ša mladina, dekleta, mladi bolj izobraženih mater (ne pa tudi očetov), iz
urbanih okolij in z večjim socialnim kapitalom; 3) imajo ob kontroli osta-
lih spremenljivk mladi z višjimi stopnjami kulturne participacije v pov-
The effect of the selected activity of the teacher’s professional development
can thus be greater and more intense (Valenčič Zuljan, 2012).
The Erasmus+ program and international learning mobility projects offer
teachers various forms of expert development in cooperation with peers
from abroad. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the effects of such
expert development as perceived by teachers in the field of school educa-
tion. One third of teachers choose an educational visit abroad, which is
also the focus of our research. In order to carry out this activity, a great-
er involvement of the teacher in finding the adequate host school as well as
in preparing the content and training program is required as early as the
planning stage, which is all considered an excellent investment for collect-
ing results once the learning mobility has been completed.
Based on the analysis of the questionnaires for the learning mobility par-
ticipants and the analysis of (semi-)structured interviews conducted in the
form of project monitoring, we will present the differences between the ef-
fects of structured courses and educational visits at the workplace, as they
are perceived by the participants of professional training.
Keywords: Erasmus+ programme, professional development of teachers,
international activities, job shadowing, structured course
Andrej Kirbiš, Monika Lamot, Marina Tavčar Krajnc, Danijela Lahe,
Tina Cupar, Boris Vezjak, Marija Javornik Krečič
Dejavniki kulturne participacije in njen pomen za šolsko
uspešnost mladih v Sloveniji
Pretekle raziskave so pokazale, da ekonomski in kulturni kapital druži-
ne ter kulturna participacija mladostnikov bistveno prispevajo k njihovim
boljšim šolskim izidom. Namen naše raziskave je bil analizirati dejavnike
kulturne participacije ter primerjati njen učinek z drugimi dejavniki sre-
dnješolske uspešnosti, ob kontroli relevantnih spremenljivk. Izvedli smo
multivariatno analizo anketnih podatkov nacionalnega reprezentativnega
vzorca slovenske mladine iz raziskave Mladina 2010, kjer so ciljno popula-
cijo predstavljali prebivalci s stalnim prebivališčem v Republiki Sloveniji,
stari med 15 in 29 let. Rezultati regresijskih analiz so pokazali, da 1) imajo
dekleta in mladi bolj izobraženih očetov (ne pa tudi mater) v povprečju viš-
ji srednješolski uspeh; 2) v povprečju pogosteje kulturno participira mlaj-
ša mladina, dekleta, mladi bolj izobraženih mater (ne pa tudi očetov), iz
urbanih okolij in z večjim socialnim kapitalom; 3) imajo ob kontroli osta-
lih spremenljivk mladi z višjimi stopnjami kulturne participacije v pov-