Page 241 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2019. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 37
P. 241
that a great and new challenge of 21st century education worldwide is to
prepare pupils for lifelong learning, too. As being the first areas of formal
learning sources, kindergartens and primary schools could effectively sup-
port the basing phase of this new approach for children.
Therefore arises the question, whether kindergarten teachers and prima-
ry school teachers are well prepared for this task. In my study I used quali-
tative methodology to examine the views of kindergarten teacher students
(N = 29) and primary school teacher students (N = 22) from a Hungari-
an teacher training institute along 4 analytical dimensions with a theoret-
ical base. These dimensions concern affective attitudes towards LLL (1) and
upgradeability of its skills (2) on the one hand, and the most appropriate
timing (3) and social sphere for development on the other hand (4). Along
these dimensions two main category of beliefs can be separated: one about
tha traditional interpretation of LLL („lifelong education”) and one with an
extended interpretation („lifelong learning in 21st century”) Results show
that, although, there are no huge differences between the two professions in
this topic, there are still many misconceptions among prospective teachers.
Keywords: lifelong learning, attitudes, students, primary school, kindergar-
Maruša Hauptman Komotar
Mednarodne razvrstilne lestvice v luči internacionalizacije
in (zagotavljanja) kakovosti slovenskih visokošolskih
Mednarodne razvrstilne lestvice so svetovni fenomen nedavnega izvora. S
svojim pojavom so vzbudile zanimanje številnih interesnih skupin znot-
raj in zunaj področja visokega šolstva, tako študentov, vodstva in zaposle-
nih na visokošolskih zavodih, oblikovalcev visokošolskih politik, zasebne-
ga sektorja, medijev itn. Ker jih številni izmed njih pogosto povezujejo s
stopnjo internacionalizacije posamezne visokošolske ustanove oziroma s
kakovostjo njenega izobraževanja, prispevek naslavlja njihov vpliv na razu-
mevanje teh dveh visokošolskih trendov, ki ga umešča v kontekst uvršča-
nja slovenskih univerz na najvplivnejše mednarodne razvrstilne lestvice.
Na tej osnovi prispevek išče odgovore na vprašanje, ali lahko slednje sma-
tramo za orodje (višje) internacionalizacije oziroma (zagotavljanja) kako-
vosti visokošolskih zavodov. V ta namen se uvodoma osredotoča na pojav
in razvoj najvidnejših sistemov razvrščanja na mednarodni ravni, kjer na-
menja pozornost njihovim metodološkim zasnovam, na temelju katerih se
that a great and new challenge of 21st century education worldwide is to
prepare pupils for lifelong learning, too. As being the first areas of formal
learning sources, kindergartens and primary schools could effectively sup-
port the basing phase of this new approach for children.
Therefore arises the question, whether kindergarten teachers and prima-
ry school teachers are well prepared for this task. In my study I used quali-
tative methodology to examine the views of kindergarten teacher students
(N = 29) and primary school teacher students (N = 22) from a Hungari-
an teacher training institute along 4 analytical dimensions with a theoret-
ical base. These dimensions concern affective attitudes towards LLL (1) and
upgradeability of its skills (2) on the one hand, and the most appropriate
timing (3) and social sphere for development on the other hand (4). Along
these dimensions two main category of beliefs can be separated: one about
tha traditional interpretation of LLL („lifelong education”) and one with an
extended interpretation („lifelong learning in 21st century”) Results show
that, although, there are no huge differences between the two professions in
this topic, there are still many misconceptions among prospective teachers.
Keywords: lifelong learning, attitudes, students, primary school, kindergar-
Maruša Hauptman Komotar
Mednarodne razvrstilne lestvice v luči internacionalizacije
in (zagotavljanja) kakovosti slovenskih visokošolskih
Mednarodne razvrstilne lestvice so svetovni fenomen nedavnega izvora. S
svojim pojavom so vzbudile zanimanje številnih interesnih skupin znot-
raj in zunaj področja visokega šolstva, tako študentov, vodstva in zaposle-
nih na visokošolskih zavodih, oblikovalcev visokošolskih politik, zasebne-
ga sektorja, medijev itn. Ker jih številni izmed njih pogosto povezujejo s
stopnjo internacionalizacije posamezne visokošolske ustanove oziroma s
kakovostjo njenega izobraževanja, prispevek naslavlja njihov vpliv na razu-
mevanje teh dveh visokošolskih trendov, ki ga umešča v kontekst uvršča-
nja slovenskih univerz na najvplivnejše mednarodne razvrstilne lestvice.
Na tej osnovi prispevek išče odgovore na vprašanje, ali lahko slednje sma-
tramo za orodje (višje) internacionalizacije oziroma (zagotavljanja) kako-
vosti visokošolskih zavodov. V ta namen se uvodoma osredotoča na pojav
in razvoj najvidnejših sistemov razvrščanja na mednarodni ravni, kjer na-
menja pozornost njihovim metodološkim zasnovam, na temelju katerih se