Page 242 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2019. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 37
P. 242
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju

razvršča posamezne visokošolske ustanove. V nadaljevanju analizira insti-
tucionalne strategije (internacionalizacije) slovenskih univerz in s pomočjo
predstavitve njihovih aktualnih uvrstitev na mednarodnih lestvicah ugo-
tavlja, ali so bile na tem področju opredeljene ambicije tudi uresničene v
praksi. Za tem razpravlja o internacionalizaciji kot eni izmed glavnih kate-
gorij tovrstnih lestvic in na ta način odgovarja, ali jo le-te dejansko obrav-
navajo kot celovit proces, ki je namenjen izboljšanju kakovosti visokošol-
skega izobraževanja in raziskovanja. Poleg tega naslavlja tudi njihov odnos
do vprašanja kakovosti/zagotavljanja kakovosti visokega šolstva, in sicer v
kontekstu opredelitev kakovosti visokega šolstva ter pristopov zagotavlja-
nja kakovosti, kot je akreditacija. V sklepnem delu tako pojasnjuje, zakaj
je potrebno povezavo med mednarodnimi razvrstilnimi lestvicami, inter-
nacionalizacijo in kakovostjo/zagotavljanjem kakovosti visokega šolstva
obravnavati s precejšnjo previdnostjo, saj ni moč (kvantitativno) izmeriti
vsega, čemur dajemo pomen, niti ni moč pripisati pomena vsemu, kar lah-
ko (kvantitativno) izmerimo (Cameron, 1963).
Ključne besede: mednarodne razvrstilne lestvice, internacionalizacija, ka-
kovost visokošolskega izobraževanja, slovenske univerze

International university rankings in the light
of internationalisation and quality (assurance)
of Slovenian higher education institutions
International university rankings are a global phenomenon of recent ori-
gin. With their emergence, they have captured the interest of many stake-
holders inside and outside the field of higher education, such as students,
leadership and staff at higher education institutions, higher education pol-
icy makers, the private sector, the media, etc. Given that many of them
frequently associate them with the level of internationalisation of the in-
dividual higher education institution or with the quality of education it de-
livers, the contribution addresses their influence on the understanding of
these two higher education phenomena by placing it in the context of po-
sitioning Slovenian universities in the most influential international rank-
ing scales. On this basis, the contribution seeks to answer the question of
whether the latter can be considered as an instrument for (increasing) in-
ternationalisation or quality (assurance) of higher education institutions.
To this end, it focuses in the beginning on the emergence and development
of the most prominent international ranking systems and discusses their
methodological designs, on the basis of which individual higher education
institutions are being ranked. In the continuation, it analyses institution-

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