Page 286 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2018. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 26
P. 286
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju
oz. individualnim načrtom strokovnega razvoja posameznika. Eden ključ-
nih dejavnikov spoprijemanja s spremembami, razvojem in preizkušnjami
je iskanje novih virov informacij ter znanja s področja, ki nam dela težave
in kjer želimo napredovati, se razvijati. Spremenila se je tradicionalna vlo-
ga učitelja (v marsičem tudi vzgojitelja) kot prenašalca podatkov, informa-
cij, znanja in vednosti in je danes popolnoma zastarela, neustrezna in ne-
koristna, saj je preprostih in brezplačnih dostopov do ogromnih količin
informacij in podatkov izjemno veliko. Znanje je potrebno nenehno raz-
vijati ob tem moramo biti profesionalci čim bolj avtonomni, zlasti v dana-
šnjem dinamičnem okolju. Za uspeh vedno potrebujemo dve stvari: željo
po spremembi (v kolikor ta že ni prišla) in obvezo, da bomo začeli uporab-
ljati nova znanja, ki jih bomo pridobili z izobraževanjem.
Ključne besede: profesionalni razvoj, vrtec, strokovni delavci, primer do-
bre prakse
Presentation of education professionals' professional
development good practices in Kindergarten
Oton Župančič
Lifelong learning of education professionals is one of the cornerstones of
their professional development. During their studies and internships, edu-
cation professionals cannot acquire all the knowledge to perform the tas-
ks they encounter in their professional path, but they must educate and im-
prove throughout their entire professional career. The teacher`s individual
success and the success of the educational team and the kindergarten de-
pends on spreading new knowledge on how effective the education will be
and how individual specificities of children will be successfully addressed.
The professional development of teachers is influenced by many factors,
such as the professional satisfaction, the internal motivation of teachers or
the desire for vocational learning and progression, their view of the mea-
ningfulness of the offered education, the ability to transfer the knowledge
acquired to own pedagogical practice, the culture of the institution and the
orientation of employees in mutual learning, while their conception of pro-
fessional development also plays an important role.
Intentional encouraging of reflection on fundamental issues, such as: how
quality teaching of children is carried out, what is the role of teachers, what
kind of knowledge and skills do teachers need for quality teaching, how
they develop those skills, etc., is essential for the professional development
of teachers. Action research is valuable to promote in-depth professional
reflection and the development of reflection habits.
oz. individualnim načrtom strokovnega razvoja posameznika. Eden ključ-
nih dejavnikov spoprijemanja s spremembami, razvojem in preizkušnjami
je iskanje novih virov informacij ter znanja s področja, ki nam dela težave
in kjer želimo napredovati, se razvijati. Spremenila se je tradicionalna vlo-
ga učitelja (v marsičem tudi vzgojitelja) kot prenašalca podatkov, informa-
cij, znanja in vednosti in je danes popolnoma zastarela, neustrezna in ne-
koristna, saj je preprostih in brezplačnih dostopov do ogromnih količin
informacij in podatkov izjemno veliko. Znanje je potrebno nenehno raz-
vijati ob tem moramo biti profesionalci čim bolj avtonomni, zlasti v dana-
šnjem dinamičnem okolju. Za uspeh vedno potrebujemo dve stvari: željo
po spremembi (v kolikor ta že ni prišla) in obvezo, da bomo začeli uporab-
ljati nova znanja, ki jih bomo pridobili z izobraževanjem.
Ključne besede: profesionalni razvoj, vrtec, strokovni delavci, primer do-
bre prakse
Presentation of education professionals' professional
development good practices in Kindergarten
Oton Župančič
Lifelong learning of education professionals is one of the cornerstones of
their professional development. During their studies and internships, edu-
cation professionals cannot acquire all the knowledge to perform the tas-
ks they encounter in their professional path, but they must educate and im-
prove throughout their entire professional career. The teacher`s individual
success and the success of the educational team and the kindergarten de-
pends on spreading new knowledge on how effective the education will be
and how individual specificities of children will be successfully addressed.
The professional development of teachers is influenced by many factors,
such as the professional satisfaction, the internal motivation of teachers or
the desire for vocational learning and progression, their view of the mea-
ningfulness of the offered education, the ability to transfer the knowledge
acquired to own pedagogical practice, the culture of the institution and the
orientation of employees in mutual learning, while their conception of pro-
fessional development also plays an important role.
Intentional encouraging of reflection on fundamental issues, such as: how
quality teaching of children is carried out, what is the role of teachers, what
kind of knowledge and skills do teachers need for quality teaching, how
they develop those skills, etc., is essential for the professional development
of teachers. Action research is valuable to promote in-depth professional
reflection and the development of reflection habits.