Page 291 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2018. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 26
P. 291
tents, and also didactic approaches to learning and teaching have to be mo-
Especially due to weaknesses which prevent redirection from teaching to
learning, we decided to perform a research, where we introduced a chan-
ge on the basis of action research in the form of experiment. The case was
a process where teachers researched their beliefs, experiencing, and acti-
ons in the class. Thus, they influenced the thinking, actions, and experien-
ces of the pupils who participated in the research. Action research influen-
ced the professional development and growth of the teachers, as they were
encouraged to the critical reflexion, i.e. raising awareness and checking the
appropriateness of systems, beliefs, and values. Thus, the teachers formed
more appropriate strategies for solving the emerged problems. At the same
time, they systematically followed the effects of the introduced changes, by
which they acquired a firm foundation for further actions.
Key words: elementary school, first triad, lessons of mathematics, introdu-
cing changes, active methods of work.
tents, and also didactic approaches to learning and teaching have to be mo-
Especially due to weaknesses which prevent redirection from teaching to
learning, we decided to perform a research, where we introduced a chan-
ge on the basis of action research in the form of experiment. The case was
a process where teachers researched their beliefs, experiencing, and acti-
ons in the class. Thus, they influenced the thinking, actions, and experien-
ces of the pupils who participated in the research. Action research influen-
ced the professional development and growth of the teachers, as they were
encouraged to the critical reflexion, i.e. raising awareness and checking the
appropriateness of systems, beliefs, and values. Thus, the teachers formed
more appropriate strategies for solving the emerged problems. At the same
time, they systematically followed the effects of the introduced changes, by
which they acquired a firm foundation for further actions.
Key words: elementary school, first triad, lessons of mathematics, introdu-
cing changes, active methods of work.