Page 288 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2018. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 26
P. 288
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju
implementaciji pridobljenih znanj v pedagoško prakso ter diseminacija ka-
kovostnih pedagoških praks med učitelji na šoli in širše.
Ključne besede: osnovne in srednje šole, mednarodne aktivnosti, učinki,
profesionalni razvoj učiteljev, motivacija, organizacijske veščine, učni izidi
International cooperation as a means of raising motivation
and strengthening teachers' organizational skills
In order to ensure the quality of the educational process, the professional
and personal development of the teaching staff is crucial (Krek et al., 2011).
Many theories emphasize the importance of the lifelong learning of tea-
chers (Marentič Požarnik, 2000a; Valenčič Zuljan, 2001); moreover, studies
and analyses (Sentočnik, 2013) show the positive impact of teacher training
also through international activities. The number of the pedagogic staff in-
volved in the international activities is increasing. The results of the study
show that the impacts of such activities are mainly reflected in the develo-
pment of their own pedagogical work (the use of new and varied forms and
methods of teaching, the use of new materials and contents, the implemen-
tation of cross-curricular integration), as well as the development of gene-
ral competences (knowledge of foreign languages, ICT, motivation, social
On the basis of surveys, interviews and reports on the implementation of
international activities in schools, we find that it is necessary to increa-
se awareness of the impact of acquired knowledge, competences and skills
among the teaching staff abroad, since teachers in the demonstration (dis-
semination) activities mostly point out activity abroad and not concrete
learning outcomes and their implementation in practice. On the basis of
these analyses and studies, the authors of the article point out following
three challenges in working with teaching staff: to raise the awareness of
the knowledge, competencies and skills acquired in international activities;
to stimulate the implementation of acquired knowledge into pedagogical
practice. And finally, dissemination of good pedagogical practices between
teachers at school and wider.
Key words: primary and secondary schools, international activity, impact,
professional development of teachers, motivation, organizational skills,
learning outcomes
implementaciji pridobljenih znanj v pedagoško prakso ter diseminacija ka-
kovostnih pedagoških praks med učitelji na šoli in širše.
Ključne besede: osnovne in srednje šole, mednarodne aktivnosti, učinki,
profesionalni razvoj učiteljev, motivacija, organizacijske veščine, učni izidi
International cooperation as a means of raising motivation
and strengthening teachers' organizational skills
In order to ensure the quality of the educational process, the professional
and personal development of the teaching staff is crucial (Krek et al., 2011).
Many theories emphasize the importance of the lifelong learning of tea-
chers (Marentič Požarnik, 2000a; Valenčič Zuljan, 2001); moreover, studies
and analyses (Sentočnik, 2013) show the positive impact of teacher training
also through international activities. The number of the pedagogic staff in-
volved in the international activities is increasing. The results of the study
show that the impacts of such activities are mainly reflected in the develo-
pment of their own pedagogical work (the use of new and varied forms and
methods of teaching, the use of new materials and contents, the implemen-
tation of cross-curricular integration), as well as the development of gene-
ral competences (knowledge of foreign languages, ICT, motivation, social
On the basis of surveys, interviews and reports on the implementation of
international activities in schools, we find that it is necessary to increa-
se awareness of the impact of acquired knowledge, competences and skills
among the teaching staff abroad, since teachers in the demonstration (dis-
semination) activities mostly point out activity abroad and not concrete
learning outcomes and their implementation in practice. On the basis of
these analyses and studies, the authors of the article point out following
three challenges in working with teaching staff: to raise the awareness of
the knowledge, competencies and skills acquired in international activities;
to stimulate the implementation of acquired knowledge into pedagogical
practice. And finally, dissemination of good pedagogical practices between
teachers at school and wider.
Key words: primary and secondary schools, international activity, impact,
professional development of teachers, motivation, organizational skills,
learning outcomes