Page 283 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2018. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 26
P. 283
Observatory), ki nudi učiteljem in raziskovalcem indikacije o poglavitnih
težnjah prikazovanja zgodovine v multimedijskih jezikih in posebej tudi o
spremembah teh prikazovanj v televizijskih programih in na spletu. V pri-
spevku ugotavljamo, koliko so teme iz zgodovine navzoče na televizijah so-
delujočih evropskih držav in zlasti v Sloveniji. V analizah posameznih od-
daj, upoštevaje medijsko formo, vsebino prispevkov, ideološko in nazorsko
obarvanost, ugotavljamo njihovo raznoliko uporabnost za namene pouka
zgodovine, pa tudi opozarjamo na različne vidike poskusov sprevračanja
zgodovinskih dejstev z medijskimi sredstvi. Taki poskusi so še posebej pro-
blematični na spletu.
Ključne besede: zgodovina, medijske vsebine, E-story, srednje šole, Slove-
History lessons and media society in the E-Story project
The Educational Research Institute, along with representatives of six other
countries, participates in the project E-story – Media and History. From ci-
nema to the web. The Erasmus+ project is run by the Bologna Istituto stori-
co Parri. In the period of 36 months - completion of the project is planned
in the autumn of 2018 – we are developing the understanding of presenta-
tions of history in the media, we work in the field of development of media
competences of the teachers of history and, finally, we are working on the
digital accessibility of resources for history lessons, especially at the level of
secondary schools. Theoretical insights, on which the project is based, take
into account the media and online channels of disseminating knowledge
about history as well as changing the perception of historical facts. Of par-
ticular importance is the fact that the media and the web have an effect on
the perception of pupils and students. The article presents the main fin-
dings and findings of descriptions and analysis of media and Internet con-
tent relating to history and visual media in Slovenia. We also note intere-
sting details in comparison with other participating countries. One of the
tasks of the project is the creation of the Observatory, which provides tea-
chers and researchers with indications of the main trends in the presenta-
tion of history in multimedia languages, and in particular about changes
of shows in television programs and on the web. In the article we determi-
ne how many topics from history are present on the televisions of the par-
ticipating European countries and especially in Slovenia. In the analysis of
individual broadcasts – taking into account the media form, the content of
the contributions, the ideological and visual coloring – we determine their
diverse usefulness for the purposes of history lessons, as well as draw atten-
Observatory), ki nudi učiteljem in raziskovalcem indikacije o poglavitnih
težnjah prikazovanja zgodovine v multimedijskih jezikih in posebej tudi o
spremembah teh prikazovanj v televizijskih programih in na spletu. V pri-
spevku ugotavljamo, koliko so teme iz zgodovine navzoče na televizijah so-
delujočih evropskih držav in zlasti v Sloveniji. V analizah posameznih od-
daj, upoštevaje medijsko formo, vsebino prispevkov, ideološko in nazorsko
obarvanost, ugotavljamo njihovo raznoliko uporabnost za namene pouka
zgodovine, pa tudi opozarjamo na različne vidike poskusov sprevračanja
zgodovinskih dejstev z medijskimi sredstvi. Taki poskusi so še posebej pro-
blematični na spletu.
Ključne besede: zgodovina, medijske vsebine, E-story, srednje šole, Slove-
History lessons and media society in the E-Story project
The Educational Research Institute, along with representatives of six other
countries, participates in the project E-story – Media and History. From ci-
nema to the web. The Erasmus+ project is run by the Bologna Istituto stori-
co Parri. In the period of 36 months - completion of the project is planned
in the autumn of 2018 – we are developing the understanding of presenta-
tions of history in the media, we work in the field of development of media
competences of the teachers of history and, finally, we are working on the
digital accessibility of resources for history lessons, especially at the level of
secondary schools. Theoretical insights, on which the project is based, take
into account the media and online channels of disseminating knowledge
about history as well as changing the perception of historical facts. Of par-
ticular importance is the fact that the media and the web have an effect on
the perception of pupils and students. The article presents the main fin-
dings and findings of descriptions and analysis of media and Internet con-
tent relating to history and visual media in Slovenia. We also note intere-
sting details in comparison with other participating countries. One of the
tasks of the project is the creation of the Observatory, which provides tea-
chers and researchers with indications of the main trends in the presenta-
tion of history in multimedia languages, and in particular about changes
of shows in television programs and on the web. In the article we determi-
ne how many topics from history are present on the televisions of the par-
ticipating European countries and especially in Slovenia. In the analysis of
individual broadcasts – taking into account the media form, the content of
the contributions, the ideological and visual coloring – we determine their
diverse usefulness for the purposes of history lessons, as well as draw atten-