Page 268 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2018. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 26
P. 268
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju
njanja za različne namene (npr. sprememba jedilnice v prostor za priredi-
tev). Pri inkluzivnosti učnega prostora so se študenti usmerili predvsem na
prilagojenost prostora gibalno oviranim učencem (npr. ali ima učni prostor
dvigalo, klančine, prilagojene toaletne prostore ipd.). Zaznali so tudi neka-
tere elemente, ki pomagajo slabovidnim učencem (npr. stopinje okrog šole).
Ključne besede: fizični ali grajeni učni prostor, osnovna šola, inovativnost,
fleksibilnost inkluzija, študenti
What is the physical or architectural space of the school
communicating to students interns
This article deals primarily with one of the elements of the learning envi-
ronment, namely the physical or built classroom of elementary schools in
Slovenia, which consists of the indoor and outdoor school environment.
We define a physical or built classroom as a didactically adapted external
and internal learning space in school, and emphasize the importance of its
equipment and design for acquiring knowledge and the integral develo-
pment of pupils, and we focus on the problem of innovation, flexibility and
inclusiveness of the classroom. We state that all these dimensions are ine-
vitable for developing a modern doctrine of education and for maximum
development of educability among the pupils. Further we have noted how
innovation, flexibility and inclusiveness in the learning environment are
perceived and understood by the students of classroom teaching at one of
the pedagogical faculties in Slovenia during their practical training. We
have noticed that innovation, flexibility and inclusion are understood by
students as interconnected and interdependent elements, whereby innova-
tion relates to colors, different paintings (walls, corridors, backyards, etc.)
and the equipment of school premises that is different from the one that
they attended (for example, a dining room as a connecting space with ad-
ded plants and art products, or corridors that have been transformed into a
library, etc.), and flexibility relates to the possibility of changing one space
in several smaller ones (corners) and of reorganizing or changing the space
for various purposes (e.g. rearranging the dining room to the event area).
At inclusiveness of the learning space, the students have focused primarily
on adapting the space to physically impaired pupils (e.g. whether the lear-
ning space has an elevator, ramps, accessible toilets, etc.). They have also
noted some elements to help visually impaired pupils (e.g. footsteps arou-
nd the school).
Key words: physical or built learning space, elementary school, innovation,
flexibility inclusion, students
njanja za različne namene (npr. sprememba jedilnice v prostor za priredi-
tev). Pri inkluzivnosti učnega prostora so se študenti usmerili predvsem na
prilagojenost prostora gibalno oviranim učencem (npr. ali ima učni prostor
dvigalo, klančine, prilagojene toaletne prostore ipd.). Zaznali so tudi neka-
tere elemente, ki pomagajo slabovidnim učencem (npr. stopinje okrog šole).
Ključne besede: fizični ali grajeni učni prostor, osnovna šola, inovativnost,
fleksibilnost inkluzija, študenti
What is the physical or architectural space of the school
communicating to students interns
This article deals primarily with one of the elements of the learning envi-
ronment, namely the physical or built classroom of elementary schools in
Slovenia, which consists of the indoor and outdoor school environment.
We define a physical or built classroom as a didactically adapted external
and internal learning space in school, and emphasize the importance of its
equipment and design for acquiring knowledge and the integral develo-
pment of pupils, and we focus on the problem of innovation, flexibility and
inclusiveness of the classroom. We state that all these dimensions are ine-
vitable for developing a modern doctrine of education and for maximum
development of educability among the pupils. Further we have noted how
innovation, flexibility and inclusiveness in the learning environment are
perceived and understood by the students of classroom teaching at one of
the pedagogical faculties in Slovenia during their practical training. We
have noticed that innovation, flexibility and inclusion are understood by
students as interconnected and interdependent elements, whereby innova-
tion relates to colors, different paintings (walls, corridors, backyards, etc.)
and the equipment of school premises that is different from the one that
they attended (for example, a dining room as a connecting space with ad-
ded plants and art products, or corridors that have been transformed into a
library, etc.), and flexibility relates to the possibility of changing one space
in several smaller ones (corners) and of reorganizing or changing the space
for various purposes (e.g. rearranging the dining room to the event area).
At inclusiveness of the learning space, the students have focused primarily
on adapting the space to physically impaired pupils (e.g. whether the lear-
ning space has an elevator, ramps, accessible toilets, etc.). They have also
noted some elements to help visually impaired pupils (e.g. footsteps arou-
nd the school).
Key words: physical or built learning space, elementary school, innovation,
flexibility inclusion, students