Page 142 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju danes. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2017. Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 12
P. 142
in spoštovanje otrokovih meril uspeha. V središče strategije so postavljene da-
nosti okolja kot izzivi za učenje in človeški kapital znotraj ter izven šole. Izsledki
kažejo, da raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju spodbuja povezovanje z de-
ležniki v luči krepitve kakovosti v šoli, poleg tega pa ponuja številne priložnos-
ti za kritični razmislek o svojem delu in o delovanju šole.
Ključne besede: poslanstvo in vizija šole, akcijsko raziskovanje, prednostni cilj,
uvajanje sprememb in novosti, kakovost v šoli

The introduction of changes and innovations

Today’s state of society certainly directs continuous testing and improvement
of fundamental principles at schools, which the quality of work and the fu-
ture development of the institution are based upon. Finding common values
and principles sets out the guidelines and priorities for further planning, im-
plementation and monitoring of educational and learning operation of the
school. The above processes are closely related to the content of the mission
and vision of the school and must include all stakeholders in the education
in the environment. This article describes the process of working in The Črni
142 Vrh Primary School during the 2010/11 to 2016/17 school years. The article rep-
resents the factors, following the questions on introduction of changes and
innovations, research, collaboration, creativity, and effectiveness of learning.
The purpose of action research was to find answers to the questions about
the values a​​ nd answers on how to modernize the school practice. We have de-
veloped a creative impulse, which is a strategic model for the development
of learning ability. It arose based on direct observation and expert analysis as
well as the professional support of counsellors of National Education Institute
Slovenia. It consists of key elements, which act in mutual sensible order in the
learning cycle: enthusiasm, belief in the child, ensuring an open learning en-
vironment, providing an expert support in learning and respect for children’s
criteria of success. The strategy’s centres are the environmental conditions as
challenges for learning and human capital within and outside the school. The
results show that research in education promotes networking with stakehold-
ers in the sense of enhancing the quality of the school, and offers many oppor-
tunities for critical reflection on your own work and on the functioning of the
Keywords: the mission and vision of the school, action research, a priority goal,
the introduction of changes and innovations, the quality of the school

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