Page 140 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju danes. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2017. Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 12
P. 140
jo izključitev, je v angleški šoli mnogo večje, v proces izključitve so vpleteni zu-
nanji organi, tako upravna telesa in lokalni organi, postopki pa so pravzaprav
že standardizirani. Pravičnost izključitvenih postopkov bomo skušali poveza-
ti s Aristotelovim in Rawlsovim konceptom pravičnosti, ki oba veljata za pre-
poznavnejša v zahodni tradiciji.
Ključne besede: izključitev učencev, slovenski šolski sistem, angleški šolski sis-
tem, pravičnost
Differences in exclusion of students in Slovene and English
schools from the perspective of justice
The Slovene and especially the English ministry emphasize preventive educa-
tional actions in various documents. Proportionate punishment can be found
in school rules in both countries. However, one key difference is that English
schools recognise detention for children under the age of 18 despite the fact
that corporal punishment is forbidden. In extreme cases when a student can-
not be handled with disciplinary measures and significantly disturbs the peers
while they are exercising their right to education, the possibility of exclusion
140 becomes relevant. In Slovenia conditional and permanent exclusion are on-
ly possible in high school. In England, temporary exclusion can last up to 45
days in one academic year, while permanent exclusion is possible as well. In
both cases the student in question cannot physically attend lessons at that
particular school. However, they still have the right to pursue education, but
in a different manner and elsewhere. Nevertheless, every exclusion must be
supported by evidence – for instance, English schools are required to examine
whether any of the fundamental rights under the Equality Act 2010 had been
violated. The number of administrative and procedural rules related to exclu-
sion is much higher in English schools because external administrative and lo-
cal bodies are involved in the processes, which are actually standardised. Our
aim is to discuss exclusion procedures from the perspective of justice while
taking into account Aristotle’s and Rawls’ concepts of justice, which are among
the most visible theories in the Western tradition.
Keywords: exclusion of students, Slovene school system, English school sys-
tem, justice
Petra Kleindienst
Koncept človekovega dostojanstva v srednješolskem
Človekovo dostojanstvo danes predstavlja temeljni element demokratične
družbe. Zato je pomembno, da ga šola, kot eden izmed agentov politične soci-
alizacije, ves čas spodbuja. V pričujočem članku ugotavljamo, koliko pozornos-
ti je konceptu človekovega dostojanstva namenjeno v okviru srednješolskega
raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju danes
nanji organi, tako upravna telesa in lokalni organi, postopki pa so pravzaprav
že standardizirani. Pravičnost izključitvenih postopkov bomo skušali poveza-
ti s Aristotelovim in Rawlsovim konceptom pravičnosti, ki oba veljata za pre-
poznavnejša v zahodni tradiciji.
Ključne besede: izključitev učencev, slovenski šolski sistem, angleški šolski sis-
tem, pravičnost
Differences in exclusion of students in Slovene and English
schools from the perspective of justice
The Slovene and especially the English ministry emphasize preventive educa-
tional actions in various documents. Proportionate punishment can be found
in school rules in both countries. However, one key difference is that English
schools recognise detention for children under the age of 18 despite the fact
that corporal punishment is forbidden. In extreme cases when a student can-
not be handled with disciplinary measures and significantly disturbs the peers
while they are exercising their right to education, the possibility of exclusion
140 becomes relevant. In Slovenia conditional and permanent exclusion are on-
ly possible in high school. In England, temporary exclusion can last up to 45
days in one academic year, while permanent exclusion is possible as well. In
both cases the student in question cannot physically attend lessons at that
particular school. However, they still have the right to pursue education, but
in a different manner and elsewhere. Nevertheless, every exclusion must be
supported by evidence – for instance, English schools are required to examine
whether any of the fundamental rights under the Equality Act 2010 had been
violated. The number of administrative and procedural rules related to exclu-
sion is much higher in English schools because external administrative and lo-
cal bodies are involved in the processes, which are actually standardised. Our
aim is to discuss exclusion procedures from the perspective of justice while
taking into account Aristotle’s and Rawls’ concepts of justice, which are among
the most visible theories in the Western tradition.
Keywords: exclusion of students, Slovene school system, English school sys-
tem, justice
Petra Kleindienst
Koncept človekovega dostojanstva v srednješolskem
Človekovo dostojanstvo danes predstavlja temeljni element demokratične
družbe. Zato je pomembno, da ga šola, kot eden izmed agentov politične soci-
alizacije, ves čas spodbuja. V pričujočem članku ugotavljamo, koliko pozornos-
ti je konceptu človekovega dostojanstva namenjeno v okviru srednješolskega
raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju danes