Page 146 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju danes. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2017. Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 12
P. 146
spretnosti in močna področja, ki so pripomogla h kakovostnejšemu življenju.
Med izobraževanjem je intervjuvani osebi zaznamovalo posmehovanje, poni-
ževanje in zaničevanje vrstnikov ter neupoštevanje zakonodaje na področju iz-
obraževanja oseb s posebnimi potrebami.
Ključne besede: cerebralna paraliza, segregacija, inkluzija, izobraževanje oseb s
cerebralno paralizo
Educational pathways of two persons with cerebral palsy
In this paper the results of qualitative research regarding the educational in-
clusion of individuals with cerebral palsy are presented. The research was con-
ducted by interviewing two individuals with cerebral palsy that had been in-
cluded in primary and secondary educational processes. Both were asked to
reveal their personal experiences and perspective on educational inclusion.
The main objective of this research has been to identify the significance of
educational inclusion and its impact on individuals’ social and intraperson-
al development as well as their ability of living independently in adulthood.
The results shows that both positive and negative experiences exist. The pos-
146 itive experiences are mostly related to the implementation and orientation of
the educational process. Namely, the educational process has been designed
to promote independence and autonomy rather than to enhance the exist-
ence of a disability. The role of teachers and other professional staff has been
merely of incentive nature and has been conducted according to the principle:
»What an individual can do by him/her–self he/she has to do by him/her-self«.
During the educational process the interviewees had further developed their
skills and particular strengths which nowadays contribute to higher quality of
life. The negative experiences of educational inclusion are mostly of social na-
ture and may be generalized as mockery, humiliation and contempt by peers.
Some negative experiences also derive from the disregard of the legislation on
education of the disabled people.
Keywords: cerebral palsy, segregation, inclusion, education of persons with cer-
ebral palsy
Barbara Štingl
Raziskovalno delo v dijaških domovih: uporaba pametne
mobilne telefonije in družabno življenje dijakov
Dijaški domovi so opredeljeni kot vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove, ki dijakom
zagotavljajo urejene življenjske in učne pogoje ter vzgojo. Med temeljnimi cilji
je omogočanje dodatne kakovosti vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa s ponud-
bo institucionalne vzgoje, možnosti prehranjevanja in bivanja, učenja in kako-
vostnega preživljanja prostega časa dijakov. Za ohranjanje aktualnosti te po-
nudbe sta nepogrešljiva gradnika vsakodnevnega dela tudi nenehen razvoj
raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju danes
Med izobraževanjem je intervjuvani osebi zaznamovalo posmehovanje, poni-
ževanje in zaničevanje vrstnikov ter neupoštevanje zakonodaje na področju iz-
obraževanja oseb s posebnimi potrebami.
Ključne besede: cerebralna paraliza, segregacija, inkluzija, izobraževanje oseb s
cerebralno paralizo
Educational pathways of two persons with cerebral palsy
In this paper the results of qualitative research regarding the educational in-
clusion of individuals with cerebral palsy are presented. The research was con-
ducted by interviewing two individuals with cerebral palsy that had been in-
cluded in primary and secondary educational processes. Both were asked to
reveal their personal experiences and perspective on educational inclusion.
The main objective of this research has been to identify the significance of
educational inclusion and its impact on individuals’ social and intraperson-
al development as well as their ability of living independently in adulthood.
The results shows that both positive and negative experiences exist. The pos-
146 itive experiences are mostly related to the implementation and orientation of
the educational process. Namely, the educational process has been designed
to promote independence and autonomy rather than to enhance the exist-
ence of a disability. The role of teachers and other professional staff has been
merely of incentive nature and has been conducted according to the principle:
»What an individual can do by him/her–self he/she has to do by him/her-self«.
During the educational process the interviewees had further developed their
skills and particular strengths which nowadays contribute to higher quality of
life. The negative experiences of educational inclusion are mostly of social na-
ture and may be generalized as mockery, humiliation and contempt by peers.
Some negative experiences also derive from the disregard of the legislation on
education of the disabled people.
Keywords: cerebral palsy, segregation, inclusion, education of persons with cer-
ebral palsy
Barbara Štingl
Raziskovalno delo v dijaških domovih: uporaba pametne
mobilne telefonije in družabno življenje dijakov
Dijaški domovi so opredeljeni kot vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove, ki dijakom
zagotavljajo urejene življenjske in učne pogoje ter vzgojo. Med temeljnimi cilji
je omogočanje dodatne kakovosti vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa s ponud-
bo institucionalne vzgoje, možnosti prehranjevanja in bivanja, učenja in kako-
vostnega preživljanja prostega časa dijakov. Za ohranjanje aktualnosti te po-
nudbe sta nepogrešljiva gradnika vsakodnevnega dela tudi nenehen razvoj
raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju danes