Page 139 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju danes. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2017. Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 12
P. 139
3) on the sample of 471 participants from 13 grammar schools. The main goal 139
of the research was to obtain the information on how the students perceived
their self-efficacy and alternation of their standpoints about literary classes in
two years’ time. Moreover, the research was to analyse how the students’ own
perceptions corresponded to their achievements in terms of literary readings
and how the students’ assessment overlapped with the teachers’ assessment.
The outcome proved insignificant progress in two years’ time. Furthermore, it
was also not in accordance with the students’perception of self-efficacy, which
in year 3 remained on the same level as in year 1. More changes were detected
in the students’ standpoints but not always into the positive direction, which
was also true about cultural awareness and speaking skills. The students’ and
the teachers’ grading did not overlap. The teachers claimed that they prior-
itized communication in mother tongue over raising cultural awareness which
was usually enhanced by different project work. Testing proved the students’
poor level of cultural awareness, from which it can be deduced that the stu-
dents assessed their self-efficacy more realistically in year 3. From statistically
insignificant differences between the students’standpoints in year 1 and year 3
it can be concluded that the students adopted their attitudes towards culture
and art before the entry into secondary school. Another reason lies in the fact
that cultural awareness is not included in the Matura exam, that is why teach-
ers do not emphasise its importance.
Key words: cultural awareness, self-efficacy, standpoints, literature, grammar
Lidija Grmek Zupanc
Razlike v izključitvah učencev v slovenski in angleški šoli z vidika
Tako slovensko, še bolj pa angleško ministrstvo prek različnih dokumentov
poudarjata preventivno vzgojno delovanje, prav tako se sorazmerne vzgojne
kazni pojavljajo v šolskih pravilnikih tako slovenskih kot angleških šol. Kot opa-
zna razlika se pojavlja dejstvo, da v angleških šolah kljub prepovedi telesnega
kaznovanja kot vzgojni ukrep poznajo pridržanje, ki velja za mlajše od 18 let. V
skrajnih primerih, ko obnašanja učenca ni mogoče več obvladovati z vzgojnim
delovanjem in resnično moteče vpliva na ostale učence ter jim krati pravico do
izobraževanja, se pojavi možnost izključitve. V Sloveniji poznamo pogojno in
trajno izključitev le v srednji šoli. V Angliji poznajo začasno izključitev za največ
45 dni v šolskem letu in trajno izključitev. V obeh primerih pa gre za to, da uče-
nec fizično ne sme več obiskovati šole, na katero je vpisan, vendar pa mu pra-
vica do izobraževanja v obeh primerih ostaja, le izobražuje se na drugačen na-
čin in drugje. Sicer pa mora biti vsaka izključitev podprta z dokazi, v angleški
šoli se mora preverjati, da ni bila kršena katera izmed osnovnih človekovih pra-
vic glede na Equality Act 2010. Število upravnih in procesnih pravil, ki spremlja-
of the research was to obtain the information on how the students perceived
their self-efficacy and alternation of their standpoints about literary classes in
two years’ time. Moreover, the research was to analyse how the students’ own
perceptions corresponded to their achievements in terms of literary readings
and how the students’ assessment overlapped with the teachers’ assessment.
The outcome proved insignificant progress in two years’ time. Furthermore, it
was also not in accordance with the students’perception of self-efficacy, which
in year 3 remained on the same level as in year 1. More changes were detected
in the students’ standpoints but not always into the positive direction, which
was also true about cultural awareness and speaking skills. The students’ and
the teachers’ grading did not overlap. The teachers claimed that they prior-
itized communication in mother tongue over raising cultural awareness which
was usually enhanced by different project work. Testing proved the students’
poor level of cultural awareness, from which it can be deduced that the stu-
dents assessed their self-efficacy more realistically in year 3. From statistically
insignificant differences between the students’standpoints in year 1 and year 3
it can be concluded that the students adopted their attitudes towards culture
and art before the entry into secondary school. Another reason lies in the fact
that cultural awareness is not included in the Matura exam, that is why teach-
ers do not emphasise its importance.
Key words: cultural awareness, self-efficacy, standpoints, literature, grammar
Lidija Grmek Zupanc
Razlike v izključitvah učencev v slovenski in angleški šoli z vidika
Tako slovensko, še bolj pa angleško ministrstvo prek različnih dokumentov
poudarjata preventivno vzgojno delovanje, prav tako se sorazmerne vzgojne
kazni pojavljajo v šolskih pravilnikih tako slovenskih kot angleških šol. Kot opa-
zna razlika se pojavlja dejstvo, da v angleških šolah kljub prepovedi telesnega
kaznovanja kot vzgojni ukrep poznajo pridržanje, ki velja za mlajše od 18 let. V
skrajnih primerih, ko obnašanja učenca ni mogoče več obvladovati z vzgojnim
delovanjem in resnično moteče vpliva na ostale učence ter jim krati pravico do
izobraževanja, se pojavi možnost izključitve. V Sloveniji poznamo pogojno in
trajno izključitev le v srednji šoli. V Angliji poznajo začasno izključitev za največ
45 dni v šolskem letu in trajno izključitev. V obeh primerih pa gre za to, da uče-
nec fizično ne sme več obiskovati šole, na katero je vpisan, vendar pa mu pra-
vica do izobraževanja v obeh primerih ostaja, le izobražuje se na drugačen na-
čin in drugje. Sicer pa mora biti vsaka izključitev podprta z dokazi, v angleški
šoli se mora preverjati, da ni bila kršena katera izmed osnovnih človekovih pra-
vic glede na Equality Act 2010. Število upravnih in procesnih pravil, ki spremlja-