Page 145 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju danes. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2017. Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 12
P. 145
je v prvem razredu osnovne šole napovedati, kateri otroci kažejo tveganje 145
za nastanek težav na področju branja .
Ključne besede: predbralne zmožnosti, težave na področju branja, zgodnje
Early detection of reading problems
We are well aware, both in professional debates and in everyday practice the
importance of early detection and treatment of children who are at risk of de-
veloping reading difficulties. Numerous studies highlighted the importance of
well-developed different prereading competence before learning to read. Pre-
reading competence are: visual discrimination, phonological awareness, rap-
id automatic naming, short-term memory, vocabulary, and comprehension. In
Slovenia we do not have a standardized instrument that assesses prereading
competence in the areas that are mentioned above. We designed a battery of
tests that assesses prereading competence based on well-established foreign
and Slovenian instruments or tools. The development of early reading ability
was assessed by the Test of early reading competence (Jurišić, 2001). A sample
of 307 children aged five to seven years were tested. The results showed that
the identifying first sound, phoneme analysis, recalling the words on a cer-
tain phoneme, syllable/phoneme deletion of nonsense word, syllable synthe-
sis, auditory short-term memory and identifying the rhymes, best explain the
differences between the group of children with and group of children with-
out risk for reading difficulties. On the base of the results of our study, we have
confirmed that is possible even before entering the school or at least in the
first grade predict which children shown a greater risk for developing reading
Key words: prereading competence, reading difficulties, early identification.
Katja Mlakar in Tjaša Filipčič
Izobraževalne poti dveh oseb s cerebralno paralizo
V kvalitativni raziskavi smo želeli ugotoviti, kako izbrani intervjuvani osebi s ce-
rebralno paralizo, ki sta bili vključeni v različna izobraževalna programa osnov-
ne in srednje šole, doživljata vključenost v izobraževalni proces. Zanimalo nas
je, kakšen je pomen izobraževanja za njun osebni razvoj ter za neodvisno živ-
ljenje v odrasli dobi. Ugotovili smo, da imata sogovornika v procesu izobraže-
vanja tako pozitivne kot tudi številne negativne izkušnje. Pozitivne izkušnje
se nanašajo na izvedbo in naravnanost izobraževalnega procesa. Izobraževal-
ni proces je bil naravnan tako, da je posameznika spodbujal k neodvisnosti in
samostojnosti, saj je delo učiteljev in ostalih strokovnih delavcev potekalo po
načelu, »kar posameznik lahko stori sam, naj stori sam«. Proces je bil zasnovan
na konceptu opolnomočenja, kar pomeni, da sta sogovornika razvijala svoje
za nastanek težav na področju branja .
Ključne besede: predbralne zmožnosti, težave na področju branja, zgodnje
Early detection of reading problems
We are well aware, both in professional debates and in everyday practice the
importance of early detection and treatment of children who are at risk of de-
veloping reading difficulties. Numerous studies highlighted the importance of
well-developed different prereading competence before learning to read. Pre-
reading competence are: visual discrimination, phonological awareness, rap-
id automatic naming, short-term memory, vocabulary, and comprehension. In
Slovenia we do not have a standardized instrument that assesses prereading
competence in the areas that are mentioned above. We designed a battery of
tests that assesses prereading competence based on well-established foreign
and Slovenian instruments or tools. The development of early reading ability
was assessed by the Test of early reading competence (Jurišić, 2001). A sample
of 307 children aged five to seven years were tested. The results showed that
the identifying first sound, phoneme analysis, recalling the words on a cer-
tain phoneme, syllable/phoneme deletion of nonsense word, syllable synthe-
sis, auditory short-term memory and identifying the rhymes, best explain the
differences between the group of children with and group of children with-
out risk for reading difficulties. On the base of the results of our study, we have
confirmed that is possible even before entering the school or at least in the
first grade predict which children shown a greater risk for developing reading
Key words: prereading competence, reading difficulties, early identification.
Katja Mlakar in Tjaša Filipčič
Izobraževalne poti dveh oseb s cerebralno paralizo
V kvalitativni raziskavi smo želeli ugotoviti, kako izbrani intervjuvani osebi s ce-
rebralno paralizo, ki sta bili vključeni v različna izobraževalna programa osnov-
ne in srednje šole, doživljata vključenost v izobraževalni proces. Zanimalo nas
je, kakšen je pomen izobraževanja za njun osebni razvoj ter za neodvisno živ-
ljenje v odrasli dobi. Ugotovili smo, da imata sogovornika v procesu izobraže-
vanja tako pozitivne kot tudi številne negativne izkušnje. Pozitivne izkušnje
se nanašajo na izvedbo in naravnanost izobraževalnega procesa. Izobraževal-
ni proces je bil naravnan tako, da je posameznika spodbujal k neodvisnosti in
samostojnosti, saj je delo učiteljev in ostalih strokovnih delavcev potekalo po
načelu, »kar posameznik lahko stori sam, naj stori sam«. Proces je bil zasnovan
na konceptu opolnomočenja, kar pomeni, da sta sogovornika razvijala svoje