Page 278 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju danes. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2017. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 31
P. 278
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju danes

nam omogočajo vpogled v neposredno delo v oddelku vrtca in pripomore-
jo k spodbujanju nadaljnjih korakov strokovnih delavcev v oddelku vrtca
na poti h kakovostni predšolski vzgoji v slovenskih vrtcih. Hkrati pa nam
omogočajo tudi reflektiran vpogled v kakovost izvedbe in vsebine učnega
programa srednjega strokovnega izobraževanja.
Ključne besede: profesionalnost, kurikularna načela, Kurikulum za vrtce,

Detecting professionalism in kindergarten
In this paper we are focusing on professionalism of early childhood edu-
cators through personal perceptions and observations of secondary school
students of early childhood education and care program at Srednja vzgo-
jiteljska šola in gimnazija Ljubljana. We wish to help early childhood edu-
cators in identifying areas that they should pay more attention to when re-
garding to their further professional development. In the article we define
professionalism and associate it with the quality of early childhood educa-
tion and care. Although the definitions of professionalism and quality dif-
fer between different countries and systems of early childhood education
and care, there are close links between professionalism and professional
qualification of early childhood educators and quality. Furthermore we in-
troduce the preparation of the students for their professional role in early
childhood education and care settings through the teachings of a profes-
sional module Kurikulum oddelka v vrtcu (consideration of selected cur-
ricular principles and compliance with them) and the results of an empir-
ical study.
The present study showed that the majority of early childhood educa-
tors work is done professionally and in accordance with the principles of
the Kurikulum za vrtce. It is evident, however, that the greatest potential
for improving the quality of work is in the systematic and regular aware-
ness-raising of hidden curriculum in early childhood education and care
settings. Such studies allow us direct insight into the work in early child-
hood education and care settings and contribute to promoting the further
steps to a quality early childhood education in Slovenian. At the same time
the study also provides a reflective insight into the quality of implementa-
tion and content of secondary vocational education.
Key words: professionalism, curricular principles, Kurikulum za vrtce,

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