Page 261 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju danes. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2017. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 31
P. 261

researchers have been working with for the past two years. Our action re-
search strategy has implemented flexible forms of support, including volun-
teer work, individual mentoring of the children, thematic and family con-
ferences, and other cooperative forms of action. The purpose of this article
is to shed light on the importance introducing flexible forms of family sup-
port has from the perspective of parents and other research participants.
The findings of the qualitative analysis of information collected in individ-
ual and group conversations, observation notes and reflections, show that
volunteer work and the implemented flexible action forms reach the vul-
nerable family and its members more easily on an informal level than their
formal counterparts. Research participants recognize the positive chang-
es in the family’s living circumstances, the strengthening of parental roles
and the progress made in the children’s development. Additionally, the case
findings show that in introducing flexible forms of support, professionals
particularly highlight the importance of respecting already established in-
stitutional practices.
Keywords: action research, volunteer work, vulnerable families, flexible for-
ms of support

Simona Tancig
Implementacija in integracija edukacijske nevroznanosti
v študijske programe in raziskave na pedagoškem področju
v našem prostoru
Članek obravnava problematiko nevarnosti redukcionizma in determiniz-
ma v nevroznanosti ter pomen nevrokonstruktivizma v okviru edukacije
nevroznanosti. Predstavljena so glavna področja in cilji edukacijske nevro-
znanosti ali znanstvene discipline um, možgani in edukacija (UME) kot
tudi njene raziskovalne metode in etika ter razprava o nevromitih in zna-
nju o možganih, pomembnih za izobraževanje. Poleg omenjenega je pred-
stavljena tudi realizacija akcijskega načrta za implementacijo edukacijske
nevroznanosti v izobraževalno prakso, raziskave in študijske programe v
našem prostoru.
Ključne besede: edukacijska nevroznanosti, nevrokonstruktivizem, znanje
o možganih, nevromiti, akcijski načrt

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