Page 258 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju danes. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2017. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 31
P. 258
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju danes

zaključnem delu predstavimo priporočila za izboljšanje stanja na področju
internacionalizacije visokošolskega izobraževanja v Sloveniji.
Ključne besede: visoko šolstvo, internacionalizacija, internacionalizacija
doma, internacionalizacija kurikuluma, percepcije študentov in osebja

Elements of internationalization of higher education
in Slovenia - Practice and Challenges
Studies, evaluations and discussions on internationalisation of higher ed-
ucation indicate positive impacts on improving the quality of higher edu-
cation both on an individual level of higher education stakeholders, as well
as on a wider institutional, national and international level. In this context,
the internationalisation of higher education is understood as the process
of integrating an international, intercultural or global dimension into the
purpose, functions or implementation of higher education (Knight, 2004:
9). In the paper the focus is given to the identification of elements of the in-
ternationalisation at home and internationalisation of the curriculum in
Slovenian higher education with the aim of presenting the current state in
the field of internationalisation of higher education in Slovenia, with the
emphasis on pedagogical work and based on the results of the studies, im-
plemented in 2013–2015 among students, academic and professional staff.
According to the obtained data the internationalisation at home is at its be-
ginning phase at majority of Slovenian higher education institutions. Af-
finities for the implementation of various approaches of internationalisa-
tion of pedagogical work are evident, however, these approaches are mostly
seen at a primary or individual level, but the need for systematic support
on higher education political and strategic level is present as well. Based on
the collected results, as well as the review of relevant literature and strate-
gic documents, recommendations for improvement of the current state in
the field of internationalisation of higher education in Slovenia are given in
the conclusion.
Keywords: higher education, internationalisation, internationalisation at
home, internationalisation of the curriculum, students’ and staff’s percep-

Maruša Komotar
Model internacionalizacije visokega šolstva
na Nizozemskem: možnost ali težko dosegljiv ideal?
Internacionalizacija visokega šolstva brez dvoma velja za enega najvidnejših
trendov, ki v 21. stoletju usmerja visokošolski razvoj. Ker se potekajoče dis-

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