Page 167 - Rajka Bračun Sova, Umetnina – ljubezen na prvi pogled? Pedagoški pomen interpretacije. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2016. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 28
P. 167
mary 167  

Art museums are authentic places for aesthetic experience and un-
derstanding of art. One of the major factors that affect the cre-
ation of a learning environment in a museum, is the museums’
interpretation. It presents to visitors a particular framework for think-
ing about art and is considered to be the basic museum teaching meth-
od. As museum visitors experience and understand works of art in a dif-
ferent manner, since they differ in the competence to understand art,
it would be expected that museums’ approaches to interpretation of
works of art would differ as well. Interpretation is supposed to be de-
signed in such a manner so as to satisfy the needs of not only art spe-
cialists (professional public), but also and mainly of non-art specialists
(general public) who demonstrate a different ability of aesthetic expe-
rience when making the meaning of works of art that are exhibited at
museums. This research thus explores comprehensively the pedagogical
value of the interpretation in a Slovene art museum. It comprehensive-
ly covers the ways of understanding art (visitor’s interpretation), ways of
explaining art (curator’s interpretation) and – since these two aspects
prove to be non-complementary – a modern conception of art museums
as educational and cultural institutions. The research is qualitative. Pro-
ceeding from the experiential, disciplinary and institutional theoretical
contexts, the research further studies the following: visitors’ interaction
with works of art or visitors’ discourse by means of interviews and ob-
servation, the art history discourse by analysing an exhibition, a guide
book and guided tours, and the museum discourse by analysing the na-
tional programme for culture, reviews and publications on an exhibi-
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