Page 168 - Rajka Bračun Sova, Umetnina – ljubezen na prvi pogled? Pedagoški pomen interpretacije. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2016. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 28
P. 168
rajka bračun sova ■ umetnina – ljubezen na prvi pogled?
tion. Data triangulation showed that art museums are not well acces-
sible although they are, among other things, expected to be, since they
mainly target the professional public despite their shown concern for
visitors. This is mainly reflected in the fact that museums do not inter-
pret their exhibits; visitors, upon their direct contact with a work of art,
thus search for information about it in vain. Museums take an approach
that is professional and disciplinary, but that at the same time does not
offer visitors (mainly adult non-art specialists) the necessary strategies
to understand art and develop aesthetic competence. Since art museum
visiting should be considered within the context of the role of schools in
the development of the ability to experience and understand art, some
results of the research, the first of this kind in Slovenia, are slightly sur-
prising: when it comes to art education, cultural capital can also be con-
sidered in a negative sense.
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